Attendance How-To

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    Doctor’s Notes

    Please remember that whenever your student is absent from school (either for the full day or part of the day) and goes to the doctor we must have a note from the doctor in order for the absence to be excused as a Doctor’s note. Many times parents send in a note explaining a student went to the doctor but never send in the actual doctor’s note. When a note written by a parent is received in the attendance office the absence will be covered as Parent’s excuse note. Parents are allowed to write ten (10) absent for the full day excuse notes per school year. Days absent from school which are covered by a parent note are cumulative and course credit could be denied depending upon how many absences are involved. Doctor’s excuse notes are non-cumulative. If your student is absent from school or classes and went to a doctor in relation to the absence, please send in the actual doctor’s note.

    Early Dismissal

    East HS students are expected to be in class from 7:30 A.M. through 2:15 P.M. There may be times when a student needs to leave the building for an appointment then return afterwards or they may need to leave for the day, earlier than 2:15. When such occasions arise the student must bring a written note to the Attendance office so that he can be given a pass to leave the building at the requested time. The note should include the student’s name, grade, date, requested dismissal time, reason for dismissal and the signature of a parent or legal guardian. Included in the note should be whether or not the student will return to school that day. All notes should be submitted to the Attendance office at least one hour before the requested dismissal time. We do not accept telephone calls as a means for early dismissal. Early dismissal notes are to be submitted on the date of the dismissal. Faxed and emailed notes must include a parent/guardian signature. 

    Family Vacation Request

    While a student’s presence in the classroom is always preferred, occasionally families have an opportunity to a take a family trip during the school year. West Chester Area School District allows for a total of five (5) days out for a family vacation per school year. Allowance for the trip is based on the written approval from the student’s grade level administrator. All requests must be submitted in writing prior to the trip. A Family Vacation request form can be downloaded from the EHS homepage. Once on the homepage click on Attendance Information. In addition, there are paper copies of the form in the East Attendance office. If you have more than one child going on the trip and they are in different grades then each grade level administrator needs to approve the trip.  Please be aware that although approved, the days absent are considered cumulative.

    Parent Notes

    East HS allows parents or guardians to submit ten (10) Parent notes (PN) excusing their student’s absence from school. These 10 allowed Parent notes are used per school year. Any absence beyond the tenth Parent note requires a doctor’s note to excuse the absence. All notes excusing an absence must be received by the attendance office within three (3) days of the student’s return to school. Students should not submit their notes anywhere other than to the Attendance office. Notes received after the third day will be filed but the electronic record will not be changed. All notes submitted should include the student’s complete name, grade, date(s) absent, and reason for the absence. We appreciate a phone call the day of a student’s absence but it is not mandatory. A written note is mandatory regardless of whether or not a phone call has been made. Faxed and emailed notes must include a parent/guardian signature.   

    Late to School

    There are five excused reasons for being late to school:

    1. Doctor Note
    2. Dentist Note
    3. Lawyer papers
    4. Court papers  
    5. Funeral    

    Any and all other reasons given for being late to school are not excused. Students who arrive late to school without one of the above listed reasons given in writing by one of the five ‘providers’, will be considered tardy. Students who accumulate seven (7) or fewer tardies will not be penalized. Every 8th tardy will result in a detention. Tardies are accumulated per semester.

    College Visits

    Preapproved college visits are allowed for students.  If a student will be out of school for the day on a college visit he/she should complete a College Visitation form. The form should be signed by an administrator before leaving for the trip. Take the form to the visit and have a college representative sign it. The fully completed form must be submitted to the Attendance office within three school days of the student’s return to school. College Visitation forms are available in the Guidance office or may be printed from the EHS website.