Attendance 101

  • Your Fugett Middle School Attendance Secretary is: Shanyse Hill

    Email all attendance documentation to:

    Phone Number: 484-266-2518 | Fax 484-266-2599

Attendance Policies

    • Please call the Safe Arrival Line 484-266-2510 if your child will be absent or arriving late to school.
    • After an absence, a hand-signed parent note, or a doctor’s note must be submitted to the homeroom teacher within three days of the student’s return to school. New this school year, families may also send an email documenting the absence by addressing it to the attendance office: If documentation is not provided, the absence will be considered unlawful.
    • A maximum of 10 absences per school year may be excused with a written parent note (PN). Any additional absences will require a doctor’s note (DN).

    Please use this link to read the WCASD Attendance Policy:



    • All students are expected to locker and report to their home room by 8:05 a.m. every day. Students arriving after this time will be considered unexcused tardy (TDY).
    • A tardy is defined as a minimum of one minute of lateness to school. Eight (8) tardies to school will be considered one (1) unlawful absence in grades K-8.
    • Late arrivals to school due to medical appointments (doctor, dentist, orthodontist etc.) will be excused (ET) with a note from the practitioner.
    • Any late arrival where the student does not arrive by 11:30 am will be considered a full day absence.

Early Dismissals

    • If it is necessary for your child to leave school early, a written request by a parent must be presented to the office upon his or her arrival to school. A pass with the dismissal time will then be given to your child (No parent sign-out required). In cases where a note is not provided ahead of time, the parent/guardian is required to sign the student out in the main office.
    • Any early dismissal where the student leaves before 11:30 a.m. and does not return to school will be considered a full day absence.

Family Vacations

    • Students may be excused from school for up to 5 days of school per year for a family vacation. Family Vacation days (FV) must be pre-approved by the Principal. A Family Vacation form must be completed and turned in to the office prior to the absence. Please submit vacation requests at least 1 week in advance to Mr. DiAntonio, . Once the request is approved, your child can pick up a Family Vacation form from the office.