Peirce Clubs and Activities

  • Best Buddies is open to students in all grades. The mission is to create opportunities for one-to-one friendships for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. It operates as a student-run friendship club, which creates buddy pairs and friendships for students with various abilities. Best Buddies helps to create an inclusive school climate for students early on in their educational development. We will have after school events every 1-2 months but you can be involved ongoing throughout the school day! Please see Mrs. Stolnis for more information.

    CHAMPS Club: All students have an opportunity to do current or make-up assignments, complete projects, get extra help in areas where they are struggling, and/or get assistance with organizing their materials. CHAMPS meets every Tuesday and Thursday from 3:00pm-4:00pm in the Library from mid-September until the beginning of June. Teacher supervisors as well as various student teachers are available for assistance.

    Concert Chorale is Peirce’s award-winning auditioned choir directed by Mrs. Boyd. The Concert Chorale is comprised of 7th and 8th grade auditioned students that rehearse every morning before school. The chorale performs choral literature from all musical genres, and specializes in a cappella singing. The Vocal Ensemble is also a community outreach ensemble representing our school through many local performances. Auditions occur at the end of every school year in May for the following year. For more information, see Mrs. Boyd.

    Drama Club is open to all students in grades 6-8. Each year, the drama club rehearses and performs a Broadway musical showcasing the many talents at Peirce Middle School. Students involved learn everything from choreography to technical theater elements. For more information, see Mrs. Boyd. Schoology Access Code for Drama Club is VWTFS-QX4HR

    The Equity Student Union (ESU) is a voluntary club open to Latino/a, Hispanic and African American students and uses the protocols and agreements from the WCASD Equity program, Beyond Diversity which is an offset of the Pacific Ed Group’s Courageous Conversations Compass and protocols. Our ESU students also take part in leadership opportunities throughout the school and participate in ESU sponsored field trips and leadership programs throughout the year.

    The Peirce GSA is open to all students as a means to support LGBTQ students and their allies. The club will provide a safe space for students and allies and will act as an anti-bullying and anti-suicide safe-zone. All three middle schools are aligning the club’s structure to the Gay Straight Alliances at the three WCASD high schools. We encourage acceptance and understanding for all and are here to support the well-being of LGBTQ students and their allies. Please see Ms. Rathman, Mrs. Bergey, or Mrs. DeMarco for further details.

    Guitar Club: We are hosting a guitar/ukulele club at Peirce! We will be working on chords, songs, and generally sharing our enjoyment of playing guitar and ukulele. It will be very informal and fun. Your child is encouraged to bring his/her own instrument since we may not have enough to share. Ukuleles are small enough to fit in a locker. Guitars may be stored in F105 on Wednesdays, but must be taken home each Friday at dismissal. We will be meeting in room F105 on Wednesdays and Fridays during 6th period lunch, and any time between 7:15am and homeroom (8:00am) on Wednesdays and Fridays on the stage (LGI). As always, respectful behavior is expected and required as a club member. A spirit of cooperation and camaraderie will be fostered and upheld by all students. See Mr. Fosco for information.

    Jazz Band is an extracurricular ensemble that functions as an extension of the regular band program; however, students enrolled in orchestra that play a band instrument are also eligible. Additionally, any Peirce student may audition on piano, bass or guitar. The jazz band rehearses weekly before school and performs a variety of jazz styles, including swing, Latin, and rock. Auditions are held at the beginning of each year and the ensemble performs at various concerts in the West Chester area. There are additional opportunities to learn improvisation techniques and styles. See Mr. Shollenberger for information.

    Kids “4” Kids is based on a charity garage sale that Henderson High School hosts every year. The proceeds from the garage sale go to a local charity. This is a club so many people could help and get involved with doing fundraisers and other charity events. The website is The Kids “4” Kids club meets during homeroom in A104 every other Tuesday morning! See Mrs. Crilley for more information.

    Latin Club is open to all students interested in the culture, history and mythology of the Romans. During the meetings, students play ancient Roman games, learn about mythology and its influence on literature and art, and cook from ancient Roman recipes. The club meets monthly, but the day varies, so please listen to the announcements. Contact Ms. Sweeney for more information.

    The Life Systems Center Club is an afterschool activity open to all grades. The students learn about the gardens, ponds and the on-site wind and solar systems through hands-on experiences. See Mr. Dumas for information.

    Math Counts: In Math Counts Club, the students work on challenging and exciting math problems. There is also an emphasis on games and activities that promote strategic thinking. One of the main goals of the club is to prepare for the annual competitions held in February and March. At these competitions, the students compete against the other middle schools in Chester County. We start in October and continue through February. The club meets in Mr. Dummeldinger’s room B102 and it is open to students in 6th, 7th, and 8th grades.

    Newspaper Club is open to all Peirce students who are interested in writing. We will practice our journalism skills and share our writing within the club for revising and editing help before going to publication. The Herald, our school newspaper, is written entirely by Peirce students. We publish four issues per school year. Each issue includes a variety of articles, ranging from current events and editorials to seasonal recipes and puzzles. We also need artists to submit cover designs for each issue.

    Reading Olympics: The purpose of this club is to encourage students to read more, to read a great variety of books and to enjoy the challenge of reading and discussing books. See Mrs. Rosenberger and Mr. Liebsch if you are interested.

    Ski Club: Please see the Ski Club Schoology Page for information or contact Mr. Atkins or Mr. Brandon.

    The Science Olympiad Team is an extracurricular to which all 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students are welcome. There are 23 different events that use skills of building, problem solving, and learning in specific fields of science and technology. Starting in early November, the team meets in D102 on Mondays from 3:00 to 4:15. We will be preparing for the regional competition which is held at Neumann University in March. Our regional score determines whether we advance to the state competition in April or May at Juniata College. Come for great science fun! See Mr. Kimberling in room B125.

    Student Council provides students opportunities to share ideas and interests with the school community and is the voice of the student body. The council plans school-wide activities and fundraises to support its activities as well as those of other school groups. Planning events to promote school spirit and community support allows students to develop leadership skills and collaborative participation. Student council is open to students in all grade levels, with the exception of officer positions which are open only to 8th grade students. See Mrs. Hoopes Myers or Mrs. Weaver for more information.

    The Tennis Club is for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students. Practices are held at Henderson High School and run by the Henderson tennis coaches. There is a fee for bus transportation and equipment. The Peirce tennis club takes place in May. Mr. Virgilio coordinates the club with the Henderson HS tennis coaches.

    The TV Studio is a club that meets every morning throughout the year. Our primary goal is to create and execute the morning announcements by broadcasting them throughout the school. Students will be involved by being live anchors, correspondents, technical support, and by generating video productions to be aired throughout the year. The TV Studio Club is open to any interested 7th or 8th grade students. See Mrs. Weaver or Mrs. Estrada for more information.

    Vocal Ensemble is Peirce’s elite 6th grade auditioned choir. The Vocal Ensemble is comprised of 6th grade auditioned students that rehearse Thursday mornings before school each week from 7:30 am- 8:00 am in F109. Auditions will occur after the start of the school year. For more information, see Mrs. Boyd.

    The Yearbook Club is a fun way to get involved! Students have the option to sign up for one or more of the following cool aspects of the yearbook: photography, cover design (8th grade only), artwork, layout, and editor. Photographers will take pictures of engaging lessons, extracurricular activities, music performances, sporting events, and student life at Peirce Middle School! Eighth graders will be given the opportunity to design a cover for the yearbook. The student body will then be able to vote on their favorite designs. If different types of artwork are a favorite pastime, then show off your work in the yearbook! Students that sign up for layout will be able to work with the online and interacting yearbook program! Editors will then make sure the yearbook is flawless! Contact Mr. Gonzalez for more information.