• The WCASD School Wellness Policy was developed by a committee represented by district staff and administration, parents, community members, a food service representative, a school board member, and a high school student. The policy was School Board approved in June 2006 and revised in July 2017.

    Our school is committed to providing a school environment that promotes and protects our children‘s health, well-being, and ability to learn by supporting healthy eating, physical activity, and other healthy habits. We encourage everyone to help us implement, monitor, and review our health and wellness practices which impact students, families, and staff.

    Physical Education and Activity at School

    Structured physical education instruction that promotes physical activity and provides instruction in the skills and knowledge necessary for lifelong participation is provided to all students. In addition, our school supports opportunities for physical activity and movement during the school day. All students may participate in physical activity that includes recess, after school sports, walking between classes, and special events such as the Jump Rope For Heart and field day.

    Nutrition Education and Promotion

    Our school aims to teach, encourage, and support healthy eating by students. Ongoing nutrition education is conducted to promote healthy choices among students, families and staff.


    Our students are provided with opportunities and means to perform hand washing or hand sanitizing before they eat meals and/or snacks.

    Health Screening

    Annual BMI (body mass index) is calculated on all students and reported to parents.

    Snacks Outside of the Cafeteria

    Our school principal, with input from the Wellness Committee, will assess if and when to offer snacks based on timing of school meals and children‘s nutritional needs. Emphasis is placed on serving snacks from the USDA Smart Snacks in School list.

    Healthy Celebrations

    Celebrations at school provide a unique opportunity to help make healthful eating fun and exciting for children. Schools can take advantage of classroom celebrations to serve food that tastes good, is nutritious, and provides students with an opportunity for nutrition education experiences. Or, shift the focus from the food to the child. Refreshments should complement the fun, not become the “main event.” Choose a variety of activities, games and crafts that children enjoy.

    There can be THREE functions each year where food that does not fit under the USDA Smart Snacks in School guidelines is permitted at school for celebrations.

    Classroom events must offer a minimal amount of foods (maximum of 2-3 items).

    Food offered must include 1 salty or sweet item, and one healthy choice fruit/vegetables, and water or 100 % juice. NO candy!

    All of the sweet/salty snacks MUST be store-bought, pre-packaged with the ingredients listed on the container.

    NO food will be permitted in school that is home-made.

    No student Valentines that contain candy are to be given out to other students.

    It is imperative that homeroom parents and the classroom teacher discuss any food allergies present in the classroom students so those foods can be avoided.

    But It’s Just a Cupcake

    Typically, foods for school celebrations include cupcakes or brownies, candy, cookies and soda. So what’s the harm? There is nothing wrong with an occasional treat, but unhealthy choices have become the norm rather than the exception.

    Overall, our children’s eating habits are poor. Only a small percent of children meet all federal nutrition recommendations. Most children do not eat enough fruits, vegetables or whole grains. Obesity rates among children are still on the rise, with serious health consequences (e.g. obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, and dental cavities). Exposure to low-nutrient foods makes it difficult for children to learn how to make healthy food choices. By providing students with nutritious choices whenever food is available, schools can positively influence children’s eating habits!