Stetson Middle School Students Win Global Wind Turbine Challenge

Stetson Middle School Students Win Global Wind Turbine Challenge

Stetson Middle School KidWind

Stetson Middle School students Brooke Pettrone, Ava Petillo, and Grace Bobrowski won a monthly global competition coordinated by the KidWind Project. The seventh graders created a power-generating wind turbine using materials from their technology education classroom. The students were inspired by the unique shapes of food, and based their turbine design off of a lollipop after considering cashews and bananas. The trio name themselves “The Lollipop Queens” and spent a week constructing their winning turbine.

KidWind Project participants submit data associated with their turbine’s best trial, information on their turbine design, a research statement, and a photo of the turbine. KidWind judges the entries received based on the efficiency of the wind turbine, innovative design, and the quality of construction in comparison to other teams. The students have been invited to compete in a regional competition in Washington, D.C. this spring.

For more information, please contact Ms. Tracey Dukert, Digital Communications Coordinator, West Chester Area School District at 484-266-1170 or