Tutoring Directory Information
Tutoring Directory Enrollment Information for Professional Employees
To enroll as a Tutor with the WCASD, you must be a certified teacher currently employed and teaching in the WCASD.
Qualified persons can enroll by completing the WCASD Tutoring Google Form. Contact Susan Parke at sparke@wcasd.net or call 484-266-1120 if you need to make any edits to your already submitted application.
Parents can request an electronic or a hard copy by contacting Susan Parke at sparke@wcasd.net or call 484-266-1120.
When filling out the Tutoring Directory Form, use your district virtual phone number so that parents/guardians can leave a message instead of listing your personal phone number. Once you and a parent have made contact, you can always provide a personal phone number or email address if you so wish.
Before enrolling, please refer to school board policy #319-Outside Activities and note that:
”Teachers shall not be permitted to receive money for tutoring any student they have in class or whose evaluation or assignment they will be called upon to grade, except in instances of district-provided homebound tutoring. Exceptions to this policy may be made by the Principal in instances that involve private lessons in performing arts. Teachers may not tutor any student for pay during their regular working hours or on school premises.
Parents/Guardians requesting tutoring services will be provided with the district’s official tutoring list. Teachers may request to be added and/or deleted from this list at the start of each school year. The District Tutoring Directory will be updated and published each fall. The tutoring list is provided as a service to parents/guardians. Tutors hired by parents/guardians enter into a separate contract; therefore, the district does not assume, and specifically disclaims liability and responsibility for services rendered.”
Thank you for your cooperation and assistance.