Non-public and Private Families Weather-Related Busing
The West Chester Area School District (WCASD) will provide transportation for all our resident students based on the decisions made by our District Administrators. Our district transports to over 70 different schools, and it would be impossible for us to honor the individual schedules and arrangements for each of these schools. The decision regarding closures, delays, etc. are made to ensure the safety of all of our students and are based on the condition of the roadways within our district and the surrounding areas.
For weather-related conditions:
- If the WCASD is closed, we will not provide busing for non-public or private schools.
- If the WCASD is operating on a delay, we will transport non-public or private school students based on the delay schedule, even if the non-public or private school is opening at its regular time.
- If the WCASD is operating on its regular schedule, but the non-public or private school is on a delay, we will transport the non-public or private school student at the regular time. It is the responsibility of the non-public and private schools to provide supervision for their students at the regular start time.
- If the WCASD closes early, we will inform the schools of this decision by email and automated phone messaging as soon as possible. Notice of the closure will be posted on the WCASD website, and we request each school contacts their families regarding the early closure.
- If the non-public or private school dismisses early, no individual adjustment can be made, and we can only provide transportation at the regular dismissal time. The students will remain at their school until the regular dismissal time, or parents can provide transportation home.
All weather-related decisions for our schools are posted on our website and announced on the three major news networks. We would send phone calls to your school administrators of our decisions if the school provided us with a direct phone number at the beginning of the school year.