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Welcome to the Technology Department


Skype at WTE


The department vision is to support the achievement of the District’s mission by enabling flexible learning environments throughout the District using 21st century tools that make education meaningful and relevant to all of our students, fostering engaged, creative, collaborative, critical thinking, and caring citizens who are prepared to meet future challenges and be their personal best. 

Innovative Teaching and Learning in a Digital Age

Technology plays a major role in teaching and learning, communication, and the administration of the educational and business processes of the school district. The Technology Department is responsible for instructional technology - using technology for teaching and learning, administrative computing - using computers and the network for administrative functions and reporting, for internal and external communications - phones, website maintenance, social media, district-level electronic newsletters, and for developing and maintaining the necessary infrastructure to support all of these functions.

Instructional Technology - Professional Development Resources and Recordings

Relevant District Policies & Administrative Guidelines