Our Department
The West Chester Area School District’s Pupil Services Department has the privilege of serving our students with a staggering total of 93 individuals made up of caseworkers, registered nurses, certified school nurses, certified school psychologists, certified school counselors, and a social worker. Our total of 38 School Counselors can be found in every building with one per elementary school, 4 per middle school, and 16 throughout the 3 high schools. Counselors provide individual counseling, small group session, and classroom lessons to promote the development of self-confidence, social skills, and problem-solving skills.
They provide a safe and nurturing environment and resource materials for students, parents, and teachers. As members of the Child Study Multidisciplinary and Student Assistance teams, School Counselors assist and advise teachers and parents with individualized strategies for promoting student’s academic, social/emotional, and career goals and growth.
The district employs 3 Intervention Specialists with expertise in crisis management, and both drug and alcohol and mental health issues. These student services professionals are located in the three high schools but serve district-wide as members of the WCASD Crisis Team.
The District employs both Registered Nurses (RN’s) and Certified School Nurses for a total of 25 Nurses servicing both the public and non-public schools within the district boundaries. For more information click on the Health Services link on the left.
West Chester Area School District employs 1 Social Worker and 9 Caseworkers. This year the district will be employing a “feeder system” philosophy with regards to caseworker assignments. Each high school feeder system will be assigned 3 caseworkers. Caseworkers will “follow” a child or family throughout their educational career providing a more cohesive and family-friendly school/home liaison service.
The Student Services Department employs the services of 16 School Psychologists. School psychologists help children and youth succeed academically, socially, and emotionally. They collaborate with educators, parents, and other professionals to create safe, healthy, and supportive learning environments for all students that strengthen connections between home and school. School psychologists are highly trained in both psychology and education. School psychologists must be certified and/or licensed by the state in which they work. School psychologists complete psychoeducational evaluations of students as part of the multidisciplinary evaluation process. work with students individually and in groups. School psychologists work with other students services professionals and regular educators to improve school and district-wide support systems.
Secretary to the Director of Pupil Services
Mrs. Teena Doran
E-mail: cdoran@wcasd.net • 484-266-1210 • Fax 484-266-1241