PennSSI Stop the Prop Campaign
WCASD PennSSI Stop the Prop Campaign
The WCASD Public Safety Department placed Stop the Prop! stickers on exterior doors in our seventeen schools. Do the stickers make a difference? Let's ask the safety team to weigh in.
Rustin HS
“We have noticed a big difference with doors not being propped at Rustin High School since the stickers were placed.” Matthew Bristow, Campus Safety Officer
Henderson HS
“The West Chester Area School District Stopped the Prop. This simple effective Safety sticker quickly reminds all our students and staff to keep all Entry/Exit doors secure. Henderson High School has seen a significant change in Safety behavior since we added this easy Safety solution to our campus doors.” Christina Spigarelli, Campus Safety Officer
Fugett Middle School
“The stickers have been effective in that the term “Stop the Prop” has become the term used when doors are open and has even been used in a song in a funny way.” Ryan Collins, Campus Safety Officer
East HS
“The signs act as strong reinforcement regarding the importance of not propping doors open.” John Canterino, Campus Safety Officer
Stetson MS
“This sends a message to everyone that not only do we want the doors to be locked and secured but our first priority is to keep the students and faculty safe from harm.” John O’Hare, Campus Safety Officer
East Bradford ES
“Parents, pupils, teachers, and staff feel much safer in the schools because of the Stop the Prop reminders.” Shane Moyer, Campus Safety Officer