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Preparation Level Change

Preparation Level Change for Teaching Staff

As a teacher in the West Chester Area School District, you may apply to receive a Change in Preparation Level based on your completed coursework. As per clause 9.071 of the current WCAEA contract, eligibility for the change is only allowed if the teacher “informs the District in writing, prior to the preceding June 1, that the Bargaining Unit Member will attain the necessary credits by September 1 of the next school year”. Salary adjustments for level change will occur on either the first or sixth teacher pay period of a given school year if the bargaining unit member has completed all requirements.

All requests for changes in preparation level are submitted through My Learning Plan/Frontline. A Bargaining Unit Member shall inform the district in writing, prior to the preceding June 1, that the Bargaining Unit Member will attain the necessary credits by September 1 of the next school year. All other criteria in 9.071 apply.

A previously approved college/university listing shall be maintained by the Director of Human Resources and the Association President. The list can be found by accessing the Approved Colleges & Changes in Preparation Level Information guide on the bottom of this webpage. Credits must be on the graduate level unless written pre-approval to the contract is granted by the District Superintendent or designee and credits must be earned at an accredited college or university.

If a college or university is not on the approved list you may complete the Request for New School Approval Form also found on the bottom of this webpage. The Director of HR and the WCAEA President will review and determine a school’s eligibility for column movement. Unless the status of the school changes, the decision of the Director of HR and the WCAEA President is final and binding. In the event a decision cannot be reached by both parties, the Director of HR and Association President will establish a small committee to review the application.

You must apply for level change by accessing your My Learning Plan/Frontline account. In this environment, you will be able to submit new requests, review the request(s) you have previously submitted, as well as track the progress of your request along the way.Please remember if you are requesting movement for more than one column level you should submit a request for each level along the way.

Please remember if you are requesting movement for more than one column level you should submit a request for each level along the way.

Level change requests do not carry over from previous years. If you requested level change in a previous school year and did not achieve the proper number of credits to move levels in that school year, your request is now inactive. We can only process level change if each individual change is requested. Therefore, please apply for all levels you anticipate you will complete.

When determining your requested level change, please refer to the guide below to ensure that you appropriately make your request.


Required Documentation


Official transcripts reflect completion of 12 graduate credits above   bachelors degree


Official transcripts reflect completion of 24 graduate credits above bachelors   degree


Official transcript reflecting the conferral date masters degree.   Includes but not limited to MS, MA, or MEd


Official transcripts reflect completion of 15 graduate credits after   the master degree is conferred


Official transcripts reflect completion of 30 graduate credits after   the master degree is conferred


Official transcripts reflect completion of 45 graduate credits after   the master degree is conferred


Official transcripts reflect completion of 60 graduate credits after   the master degree is conferred


Official transcript reflecting the conferral date of doctorate.   Includes but not limited to Ph.D., JD, Ed.D


Email for more information.