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Field User Training

Overall Policies and Field Rules

All coaches must carry their corresponding “Field Use Permit” and use only the field that has been assigned to your group. All fields are numbered so make sure that they match.

  • Follow the posted field use signs.
  • Obey the “Flag System”
  • Park in assigned parking spots only. Do not park in drive lines or grass areas next to fields.

RED—the field is closed
YELLOW—only the outfield is open
GREEN—the field is open

When the fields have received rain overnight and there is GREEN flag flying and you are the first group to arrive in the morning. Walk the entire area including the player bench area. Use good judgment as to the playability; this is for your safety and the fields’ protection. A good rule of thumb is; the fields are considered too wet if your socks get wet

  • Trash—this is everyone’s responsibility. Please bring trash bags with you to pick after the event or place is receptacles located on campus. Trash should not be left on the fields. 
  • DO NOT drive out to the fields.
  • Ownership, take responsibility for the actions of your organization, players, coaches, parents, spectators and opposing teams.

Natural Turf Fields and Areas (Soccer, Lacrosse, Rugby, Football, Etc)

Baseball and Softball Field Rules

Contact Information

If at any time during the season you feel the need to discuss anything dealing with the fields (include field number and date of event) please do not hesitate to contact;

Joe McGuire at 484-266-1268 or by email at

We want to thank you for your participation and cooperation in this joint effort in the maintenance of the fields.