World Languages - Secondary
World Languages is among the many curricular programs offered in the West Chester Area School District. There are five languages (French, German, Italian, Latin, and Spanish) taught by a very dedicated staff of teachers. Each language offers a sequential and comprehensive course of study which students may begin as early as seventh grade.
The inclusion of a world language into a student’s course of study is essential. Through the world language courses, a student learns to read, write, listen, and speak in the target language. The study of a world language provides growth and development in communication skills, analytical thinking, understanding others, arts and humanities, and global citizenship. Furthermore, the study of a world language promotes self-esteem, family living, and a very good work ethic.
A college-bound student who pursues an entire sequence of a world language demonstrates commitment, a willingness to take on challenges, and an interest in learning; qualities that college admission officers seek in an applicant. To study another language and culture is to gain an especially rich preparation for the future. Second language learning is an essential requirement for life as a citizen in the ever-growing local, national, and world communities.
The members of the world language department are especially proud of the following:
- World language students are thoroughly engaged in their learning, and they actively participate in classroom activities to demonstrate their proficiency in speaking, listening, reading, and writing.
- Culturally authentic material is used in class, and the use of technology immediately allows for relevant, teachable moments.
- During their world language classes, students readily make cross-curricular connections to other content areas such as art, current events, environment, foods, geography, health, history, mathematics, music, science, and technology.
- Field trips and study trips abroad are well planned, relevant activities for world language students.
- In order to enhance student achievement and learning, world language teachers routinely and collaboratively share best practices, instructional strategies, activities, and assessments.
- The world language department has a Content Area Lead Educator to facilitate, coordinate, organize, and advocate for the world language department and programs.
- Reading and writing strategies emphasized in world language classes have a positive impact across the curriculum; world language students are increasingly learning to make “connections” to their other courses of study.
- World language teachers are dedicated professionals who work diligently to make world language an important part of their students’ preparation for college and for life in an increasingly global society.
- World language teachers use a variety of teaching strategies to differentiate instruction and to promote a student-centered classroom.
- Beyond the walls of the classroom and in an effort to promote 21st-century learning, world language students collaboratively raise funds as community service and global awareness projects.
- To promote multicultural diversity and global awareness, world language students actively participate in multicultural events and festivals throughout the school district.