Middle School Course Description Guides
MS Course Description Guide Introduction
The mission of the West Chester Area School District is
to educate and inspire our students to achieve their personal best.
West Chester Area School District Middle School Course Description Guide
Middle School Course Selection Timeline
For CURRENT 6TH & 7TH GRADE (These students will be in 7th & 8th Grade in 2022-23)
January 30 through February 10: Teacher recommendation window
February 13 through February 24: Online Unified Arts selection (View teachers’ recommendations and select unified arts)
February 22: Middle School 101 Parent Information Night
March 17: Recommendations may be viewed on the Parent Portal. All requests to change course selections and/or recommendations must be submitted to the student’s counselor.
March 24: Course change deadline - Course level waiver recommendations require administrative approval beyond this date.
May 3: 5th grade Parent Course Selection Night
Mid-August: 5th Grade Parent Orientation Nights
The intent of this Course Description Guide is to provide students and parents with descriptions of courses offered in the middle schools of the West Chester Area School District.
Placement Decisions:
Placement of students into appropriate courses is an important factor that contributes to student success. To make appropriate decisions, middle school principals will consider multiple data points in the decision-making process. These data points will include student performance on PSSA assessments, PVAAS, student performance in class as evidenced by their report card grades, and their current teacher’s recommendation. In addition, additional assessment data may be considered should any be available for individual students.
Level Recommendation Guidelines:
Accelerated Honors: Accelerated Honors courses are designed for students who can learn advanced content at an accelerated pace. These courses provide students with a rigorous curriculum that extends beyond grade level standards. These courses promote collaborative and self-directed learning through a variety of instructional activities and assessments.
Honors: Honors courses are designed for students who can learn enriched content at a challenging pace. These courses provide students with a rigorous, grade level curriculum. These courses promote collaborative, guided, and self-directed learning through a variety of instructional activities and assessments.
Grade Level: Grade level courses are designed for students who can learn at a continuous pace. These courses provide students with essential skills and content knowledge aligned to grade level standards. These courses promote collaborative and guided learning through a variety of instructional activities and assessments.
Changes After the School Year Begins:
Students may consider level changes after September 15th. Level changes will be honored provided they are in the best interest of the student and seats are available as a result of a level change.
Course changes into or out of a performing music after September 15th will only be processed after the completion of the marking period in which the request was made. These changes can be processed if there are available seats in the newly requested course(s).
Removal of High School Credit in Middle School: High school credit is not offered for any course taken in middle school.
The Keystone Exams
The Keystone Exams are one component of Pennsylvania’s new system of high school graduation requirements. Keystone Exams help assess student proficiency of the Pennsylvania Core Standards - standards aligned with expectations for success in college and the workplace. In order to receive a diploma, students must also meet local district credit and attendance requirements and complete a culminating project, along with any additional district requirements.
Beginning with the class of 2023, Chapter 4 Rules and Regulations for the state of Pennsylvania require that students must demonstrate proficiency on the Algebra 1, Biology, and Literature Keystone Exams in order to graduate. Keystone Exams help assess student proficiency of the Pennsylvania Core Standards - standards aligned with expectations for success in college and the workplace. Students will be offered multiple opportunities to take the Keystone Exams throughout their high school careers.
Grading Scale:
A+ = 97-100 | A = 93-96 | A- = 90-92 |
B+ = 87-89 | B = 83-86 | B- = 80-82 |
C+ = 77-79 | C = 73-76 | C- = 70-72 |
F = below 70 |
Guidance Counselor Assignments for the 2023-24 school year:
Fugett Middle School:
6th grade: Bernadette Simpson, 484-266-2911
7th grade: Malina Bowen, 484-266-2914
8th grade: Mike Cassidy, 484-266-2912
Peirce Middle School:
6th grade: Akieda Behlin, 484-266-2512
7th grade: Stephanie Roesener, 484-266-2513
8th grade: Carol DeMarco, 484-266-2511
Stetson Middle School:
6th grade: Heather Selgrath, 484-266-2711
7th grade: Bobby Schwartz, 484-266-2713
8th grade: Casey Cerullo, 484-266-2712
6th Grade Courses
- Language Arts - English 6th grade
- Mathematics (6th Grade)
- Science (6th Grade)
- Social Studies (6th Grade)
- Unified Arts Courses (6th Grade)
Language Arts - English 6th grade
Language Arts - English (6th Grade)
Sixth grade English classes integrate reading, speaking, listening, writing, and viewing skills to encourage critical thinking and effective communication. Throughout the year, students will be exposed to a variety of texts and genres to expose them to different writing styles, as they find their own style and voice as a writer.
English 6 Accelerated Honors
This course is recommended for advanced writers, critical thinkers, and those who have a passion for Language Arts. This class teaches foundational writing and grammatical skills and elements at an accelerated pace.
English 6 Honors
This course builds upon foundational and grammatical skills with some modeling and support. Students progress through the material at a continuous and challenging pace.
English 6 Grade Level
This course focuses on foundational writing skills in conjunction with grammatical skills. Students are supported through additional modeling and scaffolded supports at a pace designed to meet the needs of the students in each group.
Language Arts - Reading (6th Grade)
Reading Through Time 6 Honors
Sixth grade reading classes study a variety of texts and genres while providing strategies to support and sustain critical thinking in reading. Students delve into literary elements and work to build responses based on textual evidence. The Honors level accelerated pace and is designed for avid readers.
Reading Through Time 6 Grade Level
Sixth grade reading classes study a variety of texts and genres while providing strategies to support and sustain critical thinking in reading. Students delve into literary elements and work to build responses based on textual evidence. The Grade Level course teaches the foundations of these skills a continuous pace.
Reading Plus 6 - Intervention: Phonics
This course takes the place of another content area course.
Based on multiple data points, students will be enrolled in this class as an intervention to support the decoding and reading of words using the Just Words program and focusing on phonetical skills.
Reading Plus 6 - Intervention: Comprehension
This course takes the place of another content area course.
Based on multiple data points, students will be enrolled in this class as an intervention to support comprehension of text. Students will be supported to by research based strategies taught by a reading specialist to improve comprehension across genres.
Mathematics (6th Grade)
All sixth grade Math classes study content as outlined by the Pennsylvania Core Standards, Assessment Anchors and Eligible Content. This includes: Positive & Negative Numbers and the Number Line, Fractions & Decimals, Ratios, Rates, Percent, Algebraic Expressions, Equations & Inequalities, The Coordinate Plane, Area of Polygons, Surface Area & Volume, Statistics, and Measures of Central Tendencies.
The specific data points that middle school principals will consider for placement into sixth grade math courses are as follows: teacher recommendation, historical and current PSSA performance in math, and fifth grade math grades. Furthermore, all students will take the Orleans Hanna Algebra Prognosis Test in the spring of their fifth grade year. Student scores on the Orleans Hanna Algebra Prognosis Test will not include points for self-reported grades in math, science, English or social studies. These results will serve as an additional data points for placement in 6th grade. Principals may also consider additional data points that may be available for individual students.
Our building-based Multi-Tiered Support System (MTSS) team will communicate with families if students are identified as needing additional math support.
Mathematics 6 Accelerated Honors
This course is designed for students who have demonstrated the prerequisite skills needed to study math at a high level and a rigorous pace. The curriculum is aligned to provide extensions and enrichment to focus on abstract and complex problem solving.
Mathematics 6 Honors
This course provides students with experiences to further build the foundational concepts necessary for the higher study of math. It is intended for students who are continuing the development of their abstract reasoning. Exposure to higher-order problem solving is prevalent within the challenging pace of this course.
Mathematics 6 Grade Level
This course focuses on abstract thinking and provides an introduction through concrete and numeric examples. The transition to abstract problem solving occurs at a continuous pace with a focus on supporting a strong foundation of math knowledge.
Math Plus 6 - Intervention
This course replaces a 2 day Unified Arts class
Math Plus is designed to provide intense, formal math intervention. Students who are recommended to participate will be selected based on need as determined by multiple data. Math Plus is in addition to a student’s core math class.
Science (6th Grade)
The sixth grade science curriculum emphasizes and assesses the core ideas, science and engineering practices, and crosscutting concepts of the Pennsylvania STEELS standards. Using a phenomenon-based approach to learning, students explore the principles of life science while also investigating some earth & space science, physical science, and environmental science concepts and skills. Primary core ideas include the nature of science and investigation, cells and heredity, kingdoms of life, and environmental science. The course includes multidimensional laboratory activities, design thinking, and literacy strategies. Students have a variety of opportunities to explore ideas, develop scientific skills, and make connections to other disciplines and fields of study of the natural world. Through their course experiences, students actively pose questions and make observations, develop explanations and understanding of scientific concepts and processes, and prepare for future learning opportunities.
Social Studies (6th Grade)
World Cultures and Geography
In World Cultures & Geography, 6th grade students will study the world by studying the regions of North America, Latin America & the Caribbean, Africa, Asia, and Oceania. Students will learn about the government, geography, and economic systems of our global societies, in accordance with the Pennsylvania State Standards. In each region, students will engage in a historical analysis to understand our modern world.
Unified Arts Courses (6th Grade)
Unified Arts courses allow students to continue their study of some content areas, such as music, art, health & physical education from their elementary experience. It is also an opportunity for students to explore new content areas, such as Computer Science, Family & Consumer Sciences, and Technology Education. Students will have two periods of unified arts each day, rotating through the variety of courses offered.
In elementary school, students rotated through their unified arts classes on a 4 day cycle, with art, health & physical education, library, and music meeting once per 4 day cycle. Because of the wealth of offerings at the middle school, we expand our cycle into 6 days. Most students will experience the same unified arts courses in 6th grade, with the only exceptions being the music options and any interventions designed to support student learning. Below, you will see how the unified arts pair with each other to offer our students a robust and exciting exploration of the unified arts.
Full Year Courses:
The following classes meet for 2 days out of the 6 day cycle for the entire year.
- Music - Students have the option of selecting Band, Chorus, Orchestra or Classroom Music.
- Physical Education
Semester Courses:
The following classes meet for a semester. A semester is half of one year, so these classes are scheduled for Marking Periods 1 & 2 or Marking Periods 3 & 4.
- Art - This class will meet 4 days out of the 6 day cycle.
- Health - This class will meet every day out of the 6 day cycle.
Quarter Courses:
The following classess will meet for a quarter, which is one marking period. Each of these courses will meet for 2 days out of the 6 day cycle.
- Computer Science Fundamentals
- Computer Science Applications
- Consumer Studies
- Food Science
- Introduction to Technology Engineering
- Robotics & Circuitry
Emphasizing techniques, tool use, care and safety in the art room, students learn the arts of different cultures through projects utilizing a variety of media. Vocabulary and writing exercises are included in lessons to reinforce new concepts.
Computer Science (6th Grade)
Computer Science Fundamentals (6th Grade)
Computer Science Fundamentals is the first in a series of computer science courses offered for middle school students. This sixth grade course introduces the concepts of computer science such as hardware, software and networking while teaching computer skills in word processing, multimedia and spreadsheets. Digital Citizenship topics are reviewed and practiced throughout the course.
Computer Science Applications (6th Grade)
Computer Science Applications is the second course for 6th grade students. Students build on skills from the first course and are introduced to basic concepts of computer programming through flowcharts, algorithms and applications of the coordinate plane.
Family and Consumer Sciences (6th Grade)
Food Science
This course introduces students to wellness and healthy food choices as outlined by the principles of the USDA’s My Plate guidelines. Students explore the following content: laboratory and equipment safety, the science of food safety and food borne illness, accurate measuring techniques, chemical changes that occur during food preparation, healthy meal planning and lab procedure guidelines. Students participate in food experiments by applying these concepts. They critique their performance as members of a team.
Consumer Studies
Comprised of two interrelated units, students examine income and expenses in relation to their needs versus wants and use a decision-making model to manage resources. Through the examination of physical, emotional and social needs of the family, the young adolescent learns to distinguish needs and goals across the lifespan. They explore a variety of housing options to suit family structures. Using computer technology, students create a “dream room” involving a budget and purchasing strategies.
Health (6th Grade)
The Health Education Program is designed to motivate and encourage active student participation in developing life skills for optimal emotional, mental, physical, and social health. The curriculum is aligned with the Pennsylvania Academic Standards for Health, Safety & Physical Education and is delivered in a variety of teaching styles to optimize and accommodate student learning. A main goal of the program is for students to apply the knowledge gained to make healthy lifestyle decisions.
Music (6th Grade)
Band, Chorus, and String Orchesta all meet 2 days per 6-day cycle for the entire school year.
Students may register for ONE performing ensemble class (band, chorus, orchestra) OR they will be enrolled in Classroom Music.
Students who play band instruments are given the opportunity to perform many styles of literature from classical to contemporary. The development of technical skills, musical knowledge and self discipline, as well as learning to work together as a unified organization, are important elements of the band program.
Prerequisites: Essential technical skills on a band instrument as prescribed in the district band curriculum and approval by the band director.
Each grade level practices and performs varied selections of choral literature while working toward developing tone, intonation, diction, blend, balance, and breathing techniques. Furthermore, students will continue to improve their music literacy, ear-training/audiation skills, and sight-reading abilities. Chorus is designed for students who have a high level of interest in singing and improving their vocal skills.
String Orchestra
Students who play string instruments are given the opportunity to perform many styles of string ensemble/orchestral literature ranging from baroque to jazz. Students develop their technique and their knowledge of scales and rhythms as well as their sensitivity to style and character of the music. As a community of people, members of the string orchestra learn to work together with self discipline toward a common goal: excellence in performance.
Prerequisites: (1) essential technical skills on a violin, viola, cello or double bass and (2) approval by the elementary and middle school string directors.
Classroom Music
All Classroom Music students study a variety of topics, including digital audio workstations (DAW), music theory, music history, instrumentation, composition, musical careers, recording, and the music industry. They actively participate in musical performance while learning about the basic elements of music through our keyboard lab and various musical technologies.
Physical Education (6th Grade)
The Physical Education Program provides cognitive, affective and psychomotor learning opportunities aligned with the Pennsylvania Academic Standards for Health, Safety & Physical Education in order to gain a better appreciation, working knowledge and understanding of the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle through physical activity. Students engage in a wide variety of activities including team sports, cooperative games, personal fitness, lifetime pursuits, team building and indoor rock climbing. Classes are differentiated to meet all levels of ability and students are encouraged to optimize their participation by being prepared with a required uniform.
Technology Education (6th Grade)
Introduction to Technology Engineering
Students are introduced to the engineering design process. Students learn how technologies are created, modified, and how they impact every day life.
Robotics and Circuitry
Students learn to program robots to devise solutions to challenges based on real-world scenarios. Students also explore circuitry concepts used in many electronic devices and products.
7th Grade Courses
- Language Arts - English (7th Grade)
- Mathematics (7th Grade)
- Science (7th Grade)
- Social Studies (7th Grade)
- Unified Arts Courses (7th Grade)
Language Arts - English (7th Grade)
Language Arts - English (7th Grade)
All English classes include the study of a variety of texts: novels, poetry, short stories, drama, and nonfiction, which includes speeches, biographies, autobiographies and editorials. Integrating reading, speaking, listening, writing, and viewing skills encourages critical thinking and effective communication. Students also study grammar, spelling and vocabulary according to a grade level scope and sequence.
The specific data points that middle school principals will consider for placement into seventh grade reading and English courses are as follows: teacher recommendation, historical and current PSSA performance in reading and writing, and sixth grade reading and English report cards. Principals may also consider additional data points that maybe available for individual students.
English 7 Accelerated Honors
Students learn to analyze, explain, and evaluate elements of literature and write at an accelerated pace and is recommended for avid readers, advanced writers, critical thinkers and those who have a passion for Language Arts.
English 7 Honors
Teaches students to analyze, explain, and evaluate elements of literature and writing at a challenging pace.
English 7 Grade Level
Teaches students to explain, evaluate and analyze elements of literature and writing at a continuous pace.
Language Arts - Reading (7th Grade)
If a student chooses to take a world language, that student will not take reading in 7th grade.
Reading Through Time 7 Honors
This course is for self-directed students who apply advanced reading strategies independently across all content areas.
Reading Through Time 7 Grade Level
Provides additional instruction and practice in developing reading skills and strategies in all content areas.
Reading Plus 7 - Intervention: Phonics
This course takes the place of another content area course.
Based on multiple data points, students will be enrolled in this class as an intervention to support the decoding and reading of words using the Just Words program and focusing on phonetical skills.
Reading Plus 7 - Intervention: Comprehension
This course takes the place of another content area course.
Based on multiple data points, students will be enrolled in this class as an intervention to support comprehension of text. Students will immerse into research based strategies to support student understanding of the elements of texts from a multitude of genres.
Mathematics (7th Grade)
All Math classes include the following content as outlined by state standards: rational numbers, algebraic expressions, equations and inequalities, ratios and proportions, angle properties, geometric construction, volume & surface area, and statistics & probability.
The specific data points that middle school principals will consider for placement into seventh grade mathematics courses are as follows: teacher recommendation, historical and current PSSA performance in math, and sixth grade math grades. Furthermore, principals may consider additional data points that may be available for individual students.
Mathematics 7 Accelerated Honors
Algebra 1 requires abstract thinking and higher-order problem solving. The content includes algebraic properties, linear equations and functions, inequalities, systems of equations and inequalities, exponents, exponential functions, quadratic equations and functions, polynomials and factoring, rational equations and functions, radicals and data and probability. Students enrolled in Algebra 1 will take the Keystone exam at the end of their course. A score of proficient or higher on the Algebra Keystone Exam is a high school graduation requirement.
Mathematics 7 Honors
Mathematics 7 Honors requires a focus on abstract thinking with an exposure to higher-order problems. The course provides students with a foundation of skills and abstract reasoning and incorporates a challenging pace and level of rigor in preparation for taking Algebra 1 the following year.
Mathematics 7 Grade Level
Abstract thinking is embedded throughout the Mathematics 7 Grade Level course to support the concrete representation of numbers. In this course, students continue the progression to understanding the abstract elements of math while reinforcing numeracy skills.
Math Plus 7 Intervention
This course replaces a 2 day Unified Arts class
Math Plus is designed to provide intense, formal math intervention. Students who are recommended to participate will be selected based on need as determined by multiple data. Math Plus is in addition to a student’s core math class.
Science (7th Grade)
The seventh grade science curriculum emphasizes and assesses the core ideas, science and engineering practices, and crosscutting concepts of the Pennsylvania STEELS standards. Using a phenomenon-based approach to learning, students explore the principles of chemistry, physics, and physical science while also investigating some earth & space science, life science, and environmental science concepts and skills. Primary core ideas include forces, motion, energy, chemical interactions, and wave properties. The course includes multidimensional laboratory activities, design thinking, and literacy strategies. Students have a variety of opportunities to explore ideas, develop scientific skills, and make connections to other disciplines and fields of study. Through their course experiences, students actively pose questions and make observations, develop explanations and understanding of scientific concepts and processes, and further prepare for future learning opportunities.
Social Studies (7th Grade)
Unified Arts Courses (7th Grade)
Unified Arts courses allow students the opportunity to explore a variety of areas, such as Computer Science, Family & Consumer Sciences, and Technology Education. Students will have two periods of unified arts each day, rotating through the variety of courses offered.
All WCASD Middle Schools operate on a 6 day cycle, with students rotating throughout a variety of robust learning experiences. Below, you will see how the unified arts pair with each other to offer our students a robust and exciting exploration of the unified arts.
Full Year Courses:
The following classes meet for 2 days out of the 6 day cycle for the entire year.
- Health
- Music - Students have the option of selecting Band, Chorus, Orchestra or Classroom Music.
- Physical Education
Quarter Courses:
The following classess will meet for a quarter, which is one marking period. Each of these courses will meet for 2 days out of the 6 day cycle.
- Art
- Computer Science
- Family & Consumer Studies
- Technology & Engineering
Art - (7th Grade)
The various styles and time periods or “isms” of art are the focus of the art program. Students use a variety of media to produce creative and personal projects that demonstrate understanding of stylistic differences in art. Elements and principles of design are incorporated into aesthetic and critical analysis of art.
Computer Science (7th Grade)
The Computer Science curriculum consists of an exploration of digital products using a variety of software tools to address topics such as hardware, binary numbers, emerging technologies and technology careers. Digital citizenship topics include Internet safety as well as legal and ethical issues such as copyright and fair use. Students will explore computer programming using a variety of software applications and enhance their skills in digital literacy, information communication technology, and web design principles..
Family and Consumer Sciences (7th Grade)
The seventh grade Family and Consumer Science program includes two courses listed below taken back-to-back during one marking period. Each course meets every day for half a marking period.
Food Science
Students explore food safety and prevention of food borne illness, accuracy in measurement, leavening agents and chemical changes in food preparation, nutritional analysis and food labeling, and lab experiments using vegetables and other healthy food choices. Students apply knowledge learned as they complete lab experiences and critique their performance as members of a team.
Child Care and Personal Finance
Students explore child growth and development and examine decision-making and problem-solving skills related to the care of children. Students design activities for children that focus on toy safety and children’s literature. Students create a business plan using information related to credit, income, expenses, savings, and decision making. Consumer rights and responsibilities as well as the effects of advertising are also explored.
Health (7th Grade)
The middle school Health Education Program is designed to motivate and encourage active student participation in developing life skills for optimal emotional, mental, physical, and social health. The curriculum is aligned with the Pennsylvania Academic Standards for Health, Safety & Physical Education and is delivered in a variety of teaching styles to optimize and accommodate student learning. A main goal of the program is for students to apply the knowledge gained to make healthy lifestyle decisions.
Physical Education (7th Grade)
The middle school Physical Education Program provides cognitive, affective and psychomotor learning opportunities aligned with the Pennsylvania Academic Standards for Health, Safety & Physical Education in order to gain a better appreciation, working knowledge and understanding of the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle through physical activity. Students engage in a wide variety of activities including team sports, cooperative games, personal fitness, lifetime pursuits, team building and indoor rock climbing. Classes are differentiated to meet all levels of ability and students are encouraged to optimize their participation by being prepared with a required uniform.
World Language (7th Grade)
In Level 1 World Language classes, students develop the skills of listening, understanding, speaking, reading, and writing at a beginner’s level. The course includes vocabulary building, development of basic structural patterns, listening comprehension exercises, instructional games, role-playing, and exploration of culture. Listening and speaking skills are combined with written work for evaluation.
Students have the option to take: French 1, German 1, Italian 1, Latin 1, Spanish 1
If students opt to take a World Language, the course will replace reading instruction.
Music (7th Grade)
Middle school students may register for ONE performing ensemble class (Band, Chorus, Orchestra) OR they will be enrolled in Music Production & Technology.
Students who play band instruments are given the opportunity to perform many styles of literature from classical to contemporary. The development of technical skills, musical knowledge, and self discipline, as well as learning to work together as a unified organization, are important elements of the band program.
Prerequisites: (1) essential technical skills on a band instrument as prescribed in the district band curriculum; and (2) approval by the band director.
Each grade level practices and performs varied selections of choral literature while working toward developing tone, intonation, diction, blend, balance, and breathing techniques. Furthermore, students will continue to improve their music literacy, ear-training/audiation skills, and sight-reading abilities. Chorus is designed for students who have a high level of interest in singing and improving their vocal skills.
String Orchestra
Students who play string instruments are given the opportunity to perform many styles of string ensemble/orchestral literature ranging from baroque to jazz. Students develop their technique and knowledge of scales and rhythms as well as their sensitivity to style and character of the music. As a community of people, members of the string orchestra learn to work together with self discipline toward a common goal: excellence in performance.
Prerequisites: (1) essential technical skills on a violin, viola, cello or double bass and (2) approval by the middle school string directors.
Music Production & Technology
Music Production & Technology students study a variety of topics, digital audio workstations (DAW), including music theory, music history, instrumentation, composition, musical careers, recording, and the music industry. Building upon the skills and technologies learned in 6th grade classroom music, students will explore how to integrate their knowledge and skills to produce a variety of musical pieces, reflective of different styles, cultures, and time periods.
Technology and Engineering (7th Grade)
Sustainable Design & Energy
This course is an interdisciplinary technology & engineering course that focuses on sustainable design and energy, and the impacts that renewable and non-renewable resources have on the community and the global environment and economy. Through various projects, laboratory activities, field studies, and research, students will explore how various resources and systems can be sustainable and the impacts that energy has on resource development and availability. This course will provide opportunities to investigate current issues and topics in engineering and related career fields.
8th Grade Courses
- Language Arts - English (8th Grade)
- Mathematics (8th Grade)
- Science (8th Grade)
- Social Studies (8th Grade)
- World Languages
- Unified Arts Courses (8th Grade)
Language Arts - English (8th Grade)
Language Arts - English (8th Grade)
All English classes include the study of a variety of texts: novels, poetry, short stories, drama, and nonfiction, which includes speeches, biographies, autobiographies and editorials. Integrating reading, speaking, listening, writing, and viewing skills encourages critical thinking and effective communication. Students also study grammar, spelling and vocabulary according to a grade level scope and sequence.
The specific data points that middle school principals will consider for placement into eighth grade reading and English courses are as follows: teacher recommendation, historical and current PSSA performance in reading and writing, and seventh grade reading and English report cards. Principals may also consider additional data points that maybe available for individual students.
English 8 Accelerated Honors
This course is recommended for avid readers, advanced writers, critical thinkers and those who have a passion for Language Arts. This class teaches students to analyze, explain and evaluate elements of literature and write at an accelerated pace.
English 8 Honors
This class teaches students to analyze, explain, and evaluate elements of literature and writing at a challenging pace.
English 8 Grade Level
This class teaches students to explain, evaluate, and analyze elements of literature and writing at a continuous pace.
Language Arts - Reading (8th Grade)
Reading and Writing for Life 8 Grade Level
This course is an elective designed for students who wish to explore reading and writing. Students will refine reading skills while through studies of various fiction and nonfiction texts to develop as lifelong readers. This course may be taken instead of a language.
Reading Plus 8 - Phonics
This course takes the place of another content area course.
Based on multiple data points, students will be enrolled in this class as an intervention to support the decoding and reading of words using the Just Words program and focusing on phonetical skills.
Reading Plus 8 - Comprehension
This course takes the place of another content area course.
Based on multiple data points, students will be enrolled in this class as an intervention to support comprehension of text. Students will immerse into research based strategies to support student understanding of the elements of texts from a multitude of genres.
Mathematics (8th Grade)
Mathematics (8th Grade)
The specific data points that middle school principals will consider for placement into eighth grade mathematics courses are as follows: teacher recommendation, historical and current state performance in math, and seventh grade math grades. Principals may also consider additional data points that may be available for individual students.
Geometry 8 Accelerated Honors
Geometry content includes a rigorous study of reasoning and proof, perpendicular and parallel lines, congruent triangles, properties of triangles, quadrilaterals, transformations, similarity, right triangles and trigonometry, circles, area, surface area, and volume.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Algebra 1.
Algebra 1 - Grade 8 Honors
Algebra 1 requires abstract thinking for the study of higher-order problem solving. The content includes algebraic properties, linear equations and functions, inequalities, systems of equations and inequalities, exponents, exponential functions, quadratic equations and functions, polynomials and factoring, rational equations and functions, radicals, measurement and data and probability. Students enrolled in Algebra 1 will take the Keystone exam at the end of their course. A score of proficient or higher on the Algebra Keystone Exam is a high school graduation requirement.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Mathematics 7.
Pre-Algebra 8
Pre-Algebra requires a focus on abstract thinking as an introduction to algebraic concepts. The content includes exponents, scientific notation, linear equations and systems of equations, functions, Pythagorean theorem, geometric transformations, congruence & similarity, and statistics & probability.
Math Plus 8 Intervention
This course replaces a 2 day Unified Arts class
Math Plus is designed to provide intense, formal math intervention. Students who are recommended to participate will be selected based on need as determined by multiple data. Math Plus is in addition to a student’s core math class..
Science (8th Grade)
The eighth grade science curriculum emphasizes and assesses the core ideas, science and engineering practices, and crosscutting concepts of the Pennsylvania STEELS standards. Using a phenomenon-based approach to learning, students explore the principles of earth & space science while also investigating some physical science, life science, and environmental science concepts and skills. Primary core ideas include the universe and its stars, Earth’s history, materials, and systems, the role of water, weather and climate, natural resources and hazards, and human impacts on Earth’s systems. The course includes multidimensional laboratory activities, design thinking, and literacy strategies. Students have a variety of opportunities to explore ideas, develop scientific skills, and make connections to other disciplines and fields of study. Science 8 is offered at both grade level and honors levels.
Social Studies (8th Grade)
U.S. History (1787-1914)
Eighth grade American History studies the Constitutional Era (1787) up to the Progressive Period (1914). Students will study the geography, economics, history and governmental structures that existed in American society during this time period. This course is offered at both the Grade Level and Honors Level.
World Languages
If students opt to take a World Language, the course will replace reading instruction.
Level 1 Languages
In all World Language Classes, students develop the skills of listening, understanding, speaking, reading, and writing at a beginner’s level. The course includes vocabulary building, development of basic structural patterns, listening comprehension exercises, instructional games, role-playing, and exploration of culture. Listening and speaking skills are combined with written work for evaluation.
Students have the option to take: French 1, German 1, Italian 1, Latin 1, Spanish 1
Level 2 Languages
In both French 2 and Spanish 2, students continue their study of listening, understanding, speaking, reading, and writing, and explore certain aspects of the country’s culture. The course includes vocabulary building through dialogues, readings and role playing, extension of grammatical structures, and cultural materials. Oral skills are emphasized and evaluated.
French 2 - Prerequisite: Successful completion of French 1.
Spanish 2 - Prerequisite: Successful completion of Spanish 1.
Unified Arts Courses (8th Grade)
Unified Arts courses allow students the opportunity to explore a variety of areas, such as Computer Science, Family & Consumer Sciences, and Technology Education. In 8th Grade, students will continue to have two periods of Unified Arts instruction, following the 6 day cycle.
Required Courses - All 8th grade students are required to take both Health & Physical Education in their 8th grade year. Both meet 2 days out of the 6 day cycle for the entire year.
Performing Music Elective - Students who select to participate in a performing ensemble (Band, Chorus, Orchestra) will have that class for the full year (2 days out of the cycle).
Non-Performing Music Elective - Students who DO NOT enroll in a performing ensemble will be enrolled in the following courses for 2 days, for a marking period each:
Additionally, all 8th-grade students will have the opportunity to select between a variety of electives in the Humanities and the STEM fields. Students will take two Humanities courses and two STEM courses throughout the year. See course descriptions below of each.
- Design for the Real World
- Digital Media Creator
- Internet and Web Design
- Teen Impact
Required Full Year Courses for All Students
Health (8th Grade)
Health Education Program is designed to motivate and encourage active student participation in developing life skills for optimal emotional, mental, physical, and social health. The curriculum is aligned with the Pennsylvania Academic Standards for Health, Safety & Physical Education and is delivered in a variety of teaching styles to optimize and accommodate student learning. A main goal of the program is for students to apply the knowledge gained to make healthy lifestyle decisions.
Physical Education (8th Grade)
Physical Education Program provides cognitive, affective and psychomotor learning opportunities aligned with the Pennsylvania Academic Standards for Health, Safety & Physical Education in order to gain a better appreciation, working knowledge and understanding of the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle through physical activity. Students engage in a variety of activities including team sports, cooperative games, personal fitness, lifetime pursuits, team building and indoor rock climbing. Classes are differentiated to meet all levels of ability and students are encouraged to optimize their participation by being prepared with a required uniform.
Students Select Music for Full Year OR Marking Period Media&Technology and Humanities
Music (8th Grade)
Middle school students may register for ONE performing ensemble class (Band, Chorus, Orchestra)
Students who play band instruments are provided the opportunity to perform many styles of literature from classical to contemporary. The development of technical skills, musical knowledge and self discipline, as well as learning to work together as a unified organization, are important elements of the band program.
Prerequisites: (1) essential technical skills on a band instrument as prescribed in the district band curriculum; and (2) approval by the band director.
Each grade level practices and performs varied selections of choral literature while working toward developing tone, intonation, diction, blend, balance, and breathing techniques. Furthermore, students will continue to improve their music literacy, ear-training/audiation skills, and sight-reading abilities. Chorus is designed for students who have a high level of interest in singing and improving their vocal skills.
String Orchestra
Students who play string instruments are given the opportunity to perform many styles of string ensemble/orchestral literature, from baroque to jazz. Students develop their technique and their knowledge of scales and rhythms as well as their sensitivity to style and character of the music. As a community of people, members of the string orchestra learn to work together with self discipline toward a common goal: excellence in performance.
Prerequisites: essential technical skills on a violin, viola, cello or double bass middle school string directors.
Media & Technology (8th Grade)
Students who do not enroll in Band, Chorus, or Orchestra will complete all of the following courses.
Design for the Real World
Students engage in hands-on activities from various areas of technology, including materials, manufacturing, and design.
Digital Media Creator
In this class, students will explore multiple ways of creating and sharing dynamic, engaging interactive content with an emphasis on the use of video as a means of communication. The process of digital media design will include the planning, creating and editing of the project while utilizing various hardware and software tools to enhance a digital product.
Internet and Web Design
Students will explore tools that enhance the interactive nature of the internet. Students will design and build a website while also focusing on the interface and layout of a website and its various functions. Studies will also include how a network operates as well as a continued focus on digital citizenship. Student projects will highlight their selections in writing and visual components to communicate with an audience.
Teen Impact
In this course, students will explore authentic, project-based, and service-oriented learning opportunities. Students will actively engage in critical thinking and problem solving processes based on real world needs and concerns. Citizenship, communication, character building, and resource management will provide the foundation for learning opportunities and skill development.
Humanities (8th Grade)
Art in Two Dimensions
Students explore the creative and imaginative world of two-dimensional design using a variety of materials for personal expression. This elective builds on students’ prior art knowledge and develops new techniques using computer applications and other media. Emphasis is on individual skill development. The vocabulary and critiquing techniques demonstrated by students are used to evaluate their work.
Art in Three Dimensions
Students explore a variety of media to both create and learn about three-dimensional art. Architecture, sculpture and other dimensional forms have height, width and depth. Students use design considerations in the art production process. Varied materials such as clay, textiles, plaster, cardboard, wood and found objects are used to develop three-dimensional projects.
Family, Food, Finance
This course is designed to explore family, nutrition, and community through real life situations. With an emphasis on practical reasoning and problem solving, students will engage in activities related to the development and needs of children, budget-conscious meal planning and preparation, as well as nutritional requirements throughout life.
This is an introductory class intended for students of all musical backgrounds. Objectives include exploring the fundamentals of guitar performance, learning to identify and read various forms of guitar notation, playing individually as well as in groups, understanding the musical concepts of melody, harmony, rhythm, and form and to develop a deeper appreciation for all styles of music.
Popular Music
It provides an overview of the musical roots and trends which have influenced today’s popular music styles. Critical listening and group activities help students explore many popular music styles, including hip hop, rap, jazz, blues, reggae, musical theatre, punk, funk, heavy metal, and much more. The use of technology in music is also a topic of study. Students achieve a greater understanding of stylistic influences that make up popular music of yesterday and today.
All Students Select Marking Period Courses
Humanities Options - Pick two from this column | STEM Options - Pick two from this column |
Art in 2 Dimension |
Culture, Cuisine, and Connections |
Art in 3 Dimension |
Innovative Coding |
Family, Food, and Finance |
Junior Entrepreneur |
Guitar |
Structural Design & Civil Engineering |
Popular Music |
Transportation Engineering and Design |
STEM (8th Grade)
Culture, Cuisine, Connections
A comprehensive foods course with a focus on the factors that affect dietary choices including multi-cultural cuisine, food trends, food science, and individual health & wellness. Within a cooperative learning environment students will engage in a variety of interactive activities, including meal planning, food preparation, and recipe evaluation.
Innovative Coding
In this course, students will utilize coding to build and design games, animations, and other digital media. Students will be utilizing a variety of coding languages to create their games and digital media. During this process, students will be able to tailor their digital designs to reflect their own unique and personal interests.
Junior Entrepreneur
Students will engage in an experience similar to Shark Tank© where they will design and promote a product. This includes creating a brand name, interactive website, social media account and video commercial to highlight their product. The course will conclude with a presentation of their product where students will have the chance to promote their product and entice investors.
Structural Design & Civil Engineering
This course is an interdisciplinary technology & engineering course that focuses on structural design and planning, civil engineering, and the influences on our community and the connection to issues related to development. Through various projects, laboratory activities, field studies, and research, students will explore how communities, both local and global, are designed, developed, and maintained. Students will investigate current issues and topics in engineering and related career fields.
The practical, hands-on component of this course is essential. Students will have the opportunity to investigate many issues, design projects, research relevant career fields, develop sustainable buildings and structures, and explore policies and ethical considerations of building and maintaining public spaces.
Transportation Engineering and Design
This is a hands-on course that emphasizes innovation and engineering skills using the engineering design process. Students enrolled in this course are engaged in researching, designing and creating working models of various transportation devices. Students explore the physics of propulsion and aerodynamics. The connections between science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), are used throughout the course.