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Specialized Programs for Grades 6-8 - copy

Specialized Programs for grades 6th-8th

English Language Learner Program

English Learners (EL) in the West Chester Area School District represent over 38 different native languages. In the 2023-24 school year, the District had more than 563 active ELs.
The goal of the West Chester Area School District’s ELD Program is to facilitate the development and attainment of English proficiency and academic achievement of students whose native or first language is not English and to ensure equitable access to academic content, school resources, and programs.  The foundation for the curriculum is a standards-based curriculum aligned to the English Language Development Standards and the Pennsylvania State Academic Standards.

Gifted Program

The WCASD Middle School Gifted Education Enrichment Program supports individualized instructional programs tailored to fit the needs of each identified gifted student. Students can select from a range of courses and topics based on their interests. The variety of course offerings range from Model UN to Language Forensics and Science investigations. In addition to the course offerings, the Middle School Gifted Program also engages students in seminars, field trips, regional competitions, independent study, and guest speaker events. Visit for more information.

Special Education

Special education services are provided at the middle school for those students who have an Individualized Education Program (IEP). Services include a variety of supports as determined appropriate for each individual child by the IEP team.