High School Work Study
HS Course Selection Guide - WORK STUDY
Students are required to work a minimum of fifteen (15) hours per week for two consecutive semesters for 1.0 credit. Students in Work Study 2 will work twenty (20) hours per week for two consecutive semesters and may earn 2.0 credits. Students are released from school at the end of their last scheduled class, enabling them work and still have time to complete homework and other school related assignments. Students are required to attend monthly meetings with their Work Study Coordinator and MUST plan their work schedules accordingly.
Work Study Theory (11, 12) 1 credit
Neutrally Weighted
A general and specific related course to be taken in conjunction with Work Study I. Topics of discussion include personal and job safety, job applications, letters of application, resume, interview procedures, employer/employee relations, getting along with co-workers, attitude development towards work in general, progress on the job, personal budgeting, consumer responsibilities, bank services, taxpayer responsi-bilities with a focus on income tax form preparation (Federal and State), social security and insurance. Emphasis is placed on career exploration and research. Student occupational choices are based on personal abilities, interests, values, personality and overall lifestyle goals.
Work Study 1, 2 (11, 12) 1 credit
Neutrally Weighted
Students enrolled in this course are responsible for finding a job outside of school. They will work in local business establishments under the supervision of community business managers/owners, with the collaborative supervision of their Work Study Coordinator. Work schedules, earnings and hours worked are filed with the Work Study Coordinator on a weekly basis.
Prerequisite: Students enrolled in Work Study I must be concurrently enrolled in Work Study Theory.