High School Science
HS Course Selection Guide - SCIENCE
- this course is offered in the WC Cyber Program
Biology 1 Career & College Prep (9) 1 credit
Students investigate cell structure, cell processes, genetics, evolution, cell energetics, biochemistry, and ecology. Students will further develop their ability to write, read, and speak in the language of science.
Biology 1 Honors (9) 1 credit
Students investigate the concepts of cell structure, cell processes, genetics, evolution, cell energetics, biochemistry, and ecology. Students will engage in guided inquiry while developing scientific reasoning and analysis skills.
Biology 1 Accelerated Honors (9) 1 credit
Students investigate the concepts of cell structure, cell processes, genetics, evolution, cell energetics, biochemistry, ecology, and anatomy and physiology. Students will develop independent research skills while acquiring scientific reasoning and analytical skills.
Chemistry 1 Career & College Prep (10, 11, 12) 6 periods 1.2 credits
Students investigate matter and measurement, atomic theory, nomenclature, mole theory, chemical reactions, stoichiometry, gas laws, thermochemistry, quantum theory, periodicity, chemical bonding, and solutions. A laboratory program is included to reinforce concept development and engage the students with the process of scientific investigations. Students will utilize calculations to study the quantitative aspects of chemistry.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of Biology 1 and Career & College Prep Algebra 1.
Chemistry 1 Honors (10) 6 periods 1.2 credits
Students investigate matter and measurement, atomic theory, nomenclature, mole theory, chemical reactions, stoichiometry, gas laws, thermochemistry, quantum theory, periodicity, chemical bonding, and solutions. A laboratory program is included to reinforce concept development and to engage the students with the process of scientific investigations. This course will require a more rigorous application of calculations that relate to the quantitative aspects of chemistry.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of Biology 1 and Career & College Prep Algebra 1.
Chemistry 1 Accelerated Honors (10) 6 periods 1.2 credits
Students apply independent research skills while studying matter, measurement, atomic theory, nomenclature, mole theory, chemical reactions, stoichiometry, gas laws, thermochemistry, quantum theory, periodicity, chemical bonding, solutions, kinetics, equilibrium, and acids and bases. The laboratory program is designed to expand upon concepts and further develop analytical skills while engaging in the process of scientific inquiry. Students will interpret calculations that relate to the quantitative aspects of chemistry.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of Biology 1 and Honors Geometry
Environmental Science Career & College Prep (10, 11, 12) 1 credit
Intended for students who have successfully completed Biology I and are ready to explore environmental concerns before pursuing Chemistry I Career & College Prep. This course covers topics such as Earth as a dynamic system, ecosystems, biodiversity, population dynamics, the atmosphere, climate change, renewable and nonrenewable resources, alternative energy, and aquatics using a hands-on approach.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Biology 1 and science teacher recommendation.
Environmental Science Honors (10, 11, 12) 1 credit
Students investigate the concepts of Earth as a dynamic system, ecosystems, biodiversity, population dynamics, the atmosphere, climate change, renewable and nonrenewable resources, alternative energy, and aquatics. Students will engage in guided inquiry while developing scientific reasoning and analysis skills.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Biology 1 and science teacher recommendation.
Advanced Placement Environmental Science (10, 11, 12) 1 credit
The AP Environmental Science course is designed to engage students with the scientific principles, concepts, and methodologies required to understand the interrelationships within the natural world. The course requires that students identify and analyze natural and human-made environmental problems, evaluate the relative risks associated with these problems, and examine alternative solutions for resolving or preventing them. Environmental science is interdisciplinary, embracing topics from geology, biology, environmental studies, environmental sustainability, chemistry, and geography.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Biology 1 and Chemistry 1 and science teacher recommendation.
Physical Science Career & College Prep (11, 12) 1 credit
This course is intended for students who have successfully completed Environmental Science and are ready to explore the fundamental concepts of Physics and Chemistry before pursuing Chemistry 1 Career & College Prep, this course covers topics such as matter and measurement, structure of the atom, compounds, chemical reactions, gas laws, the mole, solutions, motion and force, work and energy, electricity and magnetism, and the universe using a hands-on approach.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Biology 1 and Environmental Science.
Physics 1 Career & College Prep (11, 12) 6 periods 1.2 credits
Students will explore mechanics, energy, waves, electromagnetism, and modern physics in this course. A laboratory program is included to reinforce concept development and engage the students with the process of scientific investigations. Students will utilize calculations to study the quantitative aspects of physics.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of Biology 1 and Chemistry 1.
Physics 1 Honors (11, 12) 6 periods 1.2 credits
This comprehensive course covers mechanics, energy, waves, electro-magnetism, and modern physics. Students increase their understanding of the physical world through lectures, demonstrations, and laboratory experiments. This course is appropriate for students who are interested in a broader understanding of the sciences and are willing to do extensive mathematical problem solving. Students should anticipate daily homework.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of Biology 1 and Chemistry 1 and Geometry or higher mathematics course. Preferred concurrent enrollment in Algebra 2 Honors or higher mathematics course..
Advanced Placement Physics 1 Algebra-Based (11, 12) 1.4 credits 7 periods
AP Physics 1 is an algebra-based, introductory college-level physics course. Students cultivate their understanding of physics by developing models of physical phenomena through inquiry-based investigations. Students build their understanding of physical models as they explore and solve problems in these topics: Newtonian mechanics, including rotational motion; work, energy, and power; mechanical waves and sound; simple circuits; and fluid mechanics. AP Physics 1 is a full-year course that is the equivalent of a first-semester introductory college course in algebra-based physics. In addition to preparing students to take the Advanced Placement Examination in Physics 1 Algebra-Based, this course meets 7 times per cycle to provide students with a true college-level laboratory experience.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Chemistry 1 and concurrent enrollment in Honors/Accelerated Honors Pre-Calculus or successful Completion of Chemistry 1 and Pre-Calculus.
Earth & Space Science Career & College Prep (11,12) 1 credit
This course examines the continuum of earth, the atmosphere, and space science. The curriculum explores the principles and processes that shape the earth and the universe. Topics include the structure of the earth, rocks and minerals, weathering and erosion, geology, geomorphology, weather, climate, the origin and composition of the universe, the solar system, stars, and galaxies.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of Biology I and Chemistry or Environmental Science.
Advanced Placement Biology (9, 10, 11, 12) 8 periods 1.6 credits
AP Biology is an introductory college-level biology course. Students cultivate their understanding of biology through inquiry-based investigations as they explore the following topics: evolution, cellular processes, energy and communication, genetics, information transfer, ecology, and interactions. The AP Biology course is equivalent to a two-semester college introductory biology course for biology majors. In addition to preparing students to take the Advanced Placement Examination in Biology, this course meets 8 times per cycle to provide students with a true college-level laboratory experience. Chemistry knowledge and strong math skills are required.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of Biology 1 and Chemistry 1 or science teacher recommendation.
Advanced Placement Chemistry (11, 12) 8 periods 1.6 credits
The AP Chemistry course provides students with a college-level foundation to support future advanced coursework in chemistry. Students cultivate their understanding of chemistry through inquiry-based investigations, as they explore content such as: atomic structure, intermolecular forces and bonding, chemical reactions, kinetics, thermodynamics, and equilibrium. The AP Chemistry course is designed to be the equivalent of the general chemistry course usually taken during the first college year. In addition to preparing students to take the Advanced Placement examination in Chemistry, this course meets 8 times per cycle to provide students with a true college-level laboratory experience.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of Biology 1 and completion of or concurrent enrollment in Algebra 2 Honors or higher level mathematics course.
Advanced Placement Physics C: Mechanics and Electricity & Magnetism (12) 8 periods 1.6 credits
AP Physics C is a calculus-based introductory college-level physics course. Students cultivate their understanding of physics by developing models of physical phenomena through inquiry-based investigations. During the first half of the course, students build their understanding of advanced mechanics concepts. During the second half of the course, students build their understanding of advanced electricity and magnetism concepts. The use of calculus in problem-solving and derivations increases as the course progresses. In addition to preparing students to take the Advanced Placement Examinations in Physics C: Mechanics and Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism, this course meets 8 times per cycle to provide students with a true college-level laboratory experience.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of or concurrent enrollment in Chemistry 1 and successful completion of or concurrent enrollment in Calculus or science teacher recommendation.
These dual enrollment courses will be taught on site by WCASD teaching staff in cooperation with West Chester University. Students successfully completing this full-year college level course will receive six college credits from West Chester University and 2 credits from WCASD.
Advanced Geoscience: Astronomy and Geology (11, 12)
During the first semester, the students will examine the formation and composition of the universe. In the second semester, students will study the Earth’s history, composition, and processes.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Biology and Chemistry.
Advanced Geoscience: Oceanography and Meteorology (11, 12)
During the first semester, students will explore the physical and biological processes in the oceans. In the second semester, students will investigate the fundamental processes that determine the weather and climate on Earth.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Biology and Chemistry.
Aquatic Ecology and Marine Biology Honors (11, 12) 6 periods 1.2 credits
This course is an interdisciplinary biological and environmental science course that focuses on freshwater and saltwater ecosystems, their influences on our community, and their connection to understanding global aquatic and marine ecosystems. Through various projects, laboratory activities, field studies, and research, the course will implement a multi-disciplinary approach to learning how communities, both local and global, rely on and impact water resources. This course will provide opportunities to explore current issues and topics in aquatic and marine science.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of Biology 1 and Chemistry 1.
Organic Chemistry and Forensics Honors (11, 12) 6 periods 2 credits
Students will explore the principles of structure and reactivity while analyzing the importance of functional groups and the role of stereochemistry in organic compounds. They will apply principles of organic chemistry, such as spectroscopy, to forensic analysis. Crime scene investigation protocols, the proper handling of physical and trace evidence, current laws and courtroom procedures will be examined from the perspective of a forensic scientist.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of Biology 1 and Chemistry 1.
Human Anatomy and Infectious Disease Honors(11, 12) 6 periods 1.2 credits
This course focuses on human anatomy and infectious diseases, covering the structural components of body systems, such as the integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous, digestive, cardiovascular, respiratory, and immune systems. The course emphasizes the interactions among these systems and how they are impacted by infectious diseases. In addition, the principles of how pathogens, such as bacteria, viruses, and other microbes, cause disease, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. There will be laboratory work including microscopic examination of prepared slides, development of dissection skills, and microbiology culturing and staining techniques.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of Biology 1 and Chemistry 1.
Physics Principles of Engineering Honors (11, 12) 6 periods 1.2 credits
This course allows students to explore the use of physics to tackle modern engineering challenges and to apply engineering to address 21st-century questions in physics. Students will investigate the application of physics in different engineering disciplines (e.g., mechanical, electrical, civil) as well as mechanics in the context of engineering, structures, energy efficiency, electrical design, programming, electromagnetism, sound, and more. This course makes extensive use of laboratory experiments, hands-on projects, and student-driven research.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of Biology 1 and Chemistry 1 and completion of or concurrent enrollment in Career & College Prep Algebra 2 or higher level mathematics course.
There are 2 Dual Enrollment courses offered on a rotating basis in conjunction with West Chester University. These courses will be taught on site by WCASD teaching staff. For 2024-2025 the course offered will be Advanced Geoscience: Oceanography and Meteorology. For 2025-2026 the course offered will be Advanced Geoscience: Astronomy and Geology. Students successfully completing this full-year college level course will receive six college credits from West Chester University.
Advanced Geoscience: Oceanography and Meteorology (11, 12) 2 credits/6 periods
This is a dual enrollment, credit by exam course offered in conjunction with West Chester University (WCU). The course will be taught on-site by WCASD teaching staff. Students who successfully complete this full-year college-level course and pass the WCU course examination will receive six college credits from WCU. During the first semester, students will explore the physical and biological processes in the oceans. In the second semester, students will investigate the fundamental processes that determine the weather and climate on Earth.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of Biology 1 and Chemistry 1.
Advanced Geoscience: Astronomy and Geology (11, 12) 2 credits/6 periods
This is a dual enrollment, credit by exam course offered in conjunction with West Chester University. The course will be taught on-site by WCASD teaching staff. Students who successfully complete this full-year college-level course and pass the WCU course examination will receive six college credits from WCU. During the first semester, the students will examine the formation and composition of the universe. In the second semester, students will study the Earth’s history, composition, and processes.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of Biology 1 and Chemistry 1.