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High School Art
HS Course Selection Guide - ART
The Art Department creates a positive environment to educate students in the world of art. Students can choose to enrich their studies with art opportunities, as well as pursue art related professions. Teachers guide students to choose and evaluate a range of subject matter, symbols, and ideas. Students explore the visual arts in relation to history and cultures. These courses allow both student and teacher to reflect upon and assess the characteristics and merits of their work and the work of others. For students interested in majoring in art / applying to an art institute are encouraged to take multiple art courses, exploring different media, and extend their learning by completing AP Art & Design and / or AP Art History.
Art courses count towards the 2.0 Arts/Humanities Credit required for graduation. Many universities do ask to see at least one art course on high school transcripts.
- this course is offered in the WC Cyber Program
Studio Art 1 (9, 10, 11, 12) 1 credit
Neutrally Weighted Focusing on 2-dimensional design, students work with a variety of media such as pencils, charcoals, pastels, watercolors, and acrylics. The course addresses shading, depth, color theory, layout, and painting, and integrates appreciation, criticism, and art history into its content.
Studio Art 2 (10, 11, 12) 1 credit
Neutrally Weighted At this level, students are expected to build on skills, experiences and philosophies learned in Studio 1. Critical and creative thinking are incorporated as a more in-depth problem solving approach through the use of a variety of media. College portfolio preparation, class critiques and art history are emphasized. Prerequisite: Completion of Studio Art 1 or teacher recommendation.
Sculpture/3-D Design 1 (9, 10, 11, 12) 1 credit
Neutrally Weighted Students are challenged to think three-dimensionally. Areas of sculptural techniques may include additive and subtractive, as well as sculptural types like relief, in the round and kinetic. Possible materials for exploration may be clay, paper, plaster, wire, wood, metals, glass, ceramic, and found objects. Individual, small group and large group projects may be employed in this course. Sculpture movements of the past, as well as contemporary art, are reviewed.
Sculpture/3-D Design 2 (10, 11, 12) 1 credit
Neutrally Weighted
At this level, students are expected to build on skills, experiences and philosophies learned in Sculpture One. Students will continue to explore materials such as clay, paper, plaster, wire, wood, metals, glass, ceramic, and found objects. Students will begin to develop conceptual ideas and explore areas of personal interest through three-dimensional mediums.
Sculpture/3-D Design 3 (11, 12) 1 credit
Neutrally Weighted
Sculpture 3 challenges students to build upon the concepts and skills previously developed. More emphasis is placed on independent study with a focus on sculptural movements and their relevance to student work. Students have the opportunity to develop concentrations in areas of personal interest. The freedom to formulate ideas within their concentration and experimentation of media is encouraged. Critique and art historical reference continue to be part of the learning process at this level. Prerequisite: Sculpture/3-D 1/ Sculpture/3-D 2 or teacher recommendation.
Comic & Animation 1 (9, 10, 11, 12) 1 credit
Neutrally Weighted Comic and Animation 1 is a design oriented course focused on comic facial and figure design, story construction, animation, visual narratives, lettering, imagery related to the written word, and two dimensional design. Students experiment with a variety of traditional media and computer graphics through the Adobe Creative Suite.
Graphic Design 1 (9, 10, 11, 12) 1 credit
Neutrally Weighted This beginning course is for students interested in learning the fundamentals of graphic design. Students use drawing skills as well as computer graphic software such as Adobe Illustrator within the Adobe Creative Suite. The course addresses layout, color, lettering, illustration and advertising.
Digital Design 2 (10, 11, 12) 1 credit
Neutrally Weighted This second level course builds on skills and concepts studied in first level comic & animation and graphic design courses. The course is designed to educate students on the ever-changing digital world, as well as to provide hands-on experience with industry standard software and equipment. Topics covered in Digital Design class may include graphic design, animation, and web design through Adobe Creative Suite programs. Prerequisite: Completion of Completion of Comic & Animation 1 or Graphic Design 1 or teacher recommendation.
Photography 1 (9, 10, 11, 12) 1 credit
Neutrally Weighted An introduction to black and white photography, students will learn the basics of the single lens reflex camera operation, how to develop and print black and white film, darkroom work, and matting and presenting a finished photograph. Digital photography is introduced, along with print manipulation software such as Adobe Photoshop.
Photography 2 (10, 11, 12) 1 credit
Neutrally Weighted At this level, students are expected to build on skills, experiences and philosophies learned in Photography 1. Students are introduced to classic photographers while exploring the different genres within photography. Students will further develop prior knowledge of this medium in more advanced ways of creating, through film processing, image manipulation, and appreciation of photography as an artist’s tool in communicating ideas and exploring personal visions. A strong emphasis will be placed on thematic work.
Photography 3 (11, 12) 1 credit
Neutrally Weighted Photo 3 is intended as a continued exploration of concepts and techniques learned in digital and darkroom photography. Students are encouraged to explore all aspects of the photographic medium and develop a personal style in their work. Building a strong portfolio will be emphasized. Prerequisite: Photography 1/Photography 2 or teacher recommendation.
Advanced Art and Design Honors (11, 12) 1 credit
This third-level advanced course intensifies and expands previous media experiences and offers additional problem-solving challenges. Students are expected to synthesize what was taught in their chosen concentration of medium of studio materials, digital media, or three dimensional materials. Students are encouraged to explore individual style and are expected to create a large body of work which shows clear personal vision. Work is done in and outside of class. A strong emphasis is placed on art history and contemporary art practices. Prerequisite: Level 2 art course or teacher recommendation.
Advanced Placement Art and Design (11, 12) 1 credit
In this course, student will develop the skills that artist and designers use and create a portfolio of work. The portfolio includes a series work based upon a Sustained Investigation and is submitted to the College Board at the end of the year. Because of the amount of work, it is often necessary to complete projects at home. Should the portfolio be accepted, the student has the opportunity to earn college credit. Prerequisite: Advanced Art & Design Honors, completion of a third-level art course, or teacher recommendation.
Advanced Placement Art History (10, 11, 12) 1 credit
Students will explore the history of art across the globe from prehistory to the present. Students will analyze art, architecture, and artifact in reference to its place in global civilization. This course can expand on a student’s acquired knowledge of history, geography, politics, literature and visual art. This course prepares students to take the College Board AP Art History exam.
Art Options (10, 11, 12)* variable credit
Neutrally Weighted Designed for students who want to take a specific art class for partial credit due to scheduling conflicts, students must choose which art class to enroll in, and receive the permission of BOTH the art teacher and their school counselor. This is NOT an independent study arrangement. Credit is determined on the number of days per week the student is enrolled in class. *Since this course is based on availability and room within a student’s schedule, this course may be selected only after the school year begins.