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High School Course Selection Guide Introduction

WCASD High School Course Selection Launch Video

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High School Course Selection Guide Introduction

Making Next Year’s Course Selections

Each year between January and May, West Chester Area School District students select their courses for the following school year. This procedure involves teacher recommendations, parental suggestions, counselor advice, and, finally, student choice. The final decision is extremely important because the West Chester Area School District’s staffing of teachers is dependent upon these choices. Furthermore, in order to build an accurate master schedule, the following procedures will be in effect.

  • All course changes must be made by March 24.
  • All required courses must be scheduled before graduation.
  • Requests for particular periods and/or teachers will not be considered to ensure an equitable master schedule

Scheduling Of Courses:

Students in grades nine and ten must schedule a minimum of 6 credits including Health and Physical Education. Students in grade eleven must schedule at least 6.4 credits including Physical Education. All seniors must schedule at least 5.4 credits including Physical Education.

Graduation Requirements

A total of 23.8 credits and a completed graduation project are required for graduation.

English: 4 credits
Social Studies: 4 credits
Mathematics: 3 credits
Science: 3 credits
Arts/Humanities: 2 credits
Electives: 5 credits
Health/Physical Ed: 2.8 credits

Beginning with the class of 2023, Chapter 4 Rules and Regulations for the state of Pennsylvania require that students must demonstrate proficiency on the Algebra 1, Biology, and Literature Keystone Exams in order to graduate. Keystone Exams help assess student proficiency of the Pennsylvania Core Standards - standards aligned with expectations for success in college and the workplace. Students will be offered multiple opportunities to take the Keystone Exams throughout their high school careers.

Sequence Of Courses

In recommending a sequence of courses, it’s difficult to arrive at a recommendation which will best serve the needs of all students. Variations to the sequence of courses suggested below can be arranged through consultation with your teacher and counselor. These suggested guidelines refer only to the minimum requirements for graduation. Your counselor has more detailed information regarding recommended courses for college-bound students, business students, etc.

9th grade - 6.0 cr.   10th grade - 6.0 cr. 11th grade - 6.4 cr. 12th grade - 5.4 cr.
English English English English
Social Science Social Science Social Science Social Science
Math Math Math Elective
Science Science Science Elective
Arts & Humanities Arts & Humanities Elective Elective
Health Fitness 9  Health 10/Physical Ed. Elective Physical Ed.
Elective (Optional) Elective (Optional) Physical Ed.  

The Arts & Humanities requirements may be satisfied by English and Social Science electives and/or by courses in World Language, Art, Music, Family Consumer Science, and Technology Education. At times, some courses may be offered through distance learning due to low enrollment.

Level Recommendation Guidelines

Advanced Placement:

Advanced Placement, or AP, refers to college-level courses taught according to the syllabi approved by the College Board Advanced Placement Program and/or to courses designed to prepare students for College Board AP tests. Successful performance on AP tests may lead to college credit and/or advanced placement in college courses. While course descriptions provide information about the course content on which the AP exam will be based, WCASD teachers have the flexibility to determine how the content is presented.

Accelerated Honors:

Accelerated Honors courses prepare students for Advanced Placement studies. Courses at this level are designed to provide students with access to the most rigorous curriculum that extends well beyond grade-level standards. These courses promote both collaborative and self-directed learning through activities and assessments that emphasize written and oral communication.


Honors courses follow a rigorous curriculum prescribed by each department and develop higher-order thinking skills using a challenging pace and enriched content. Both in-class instruction and outside assignments focus on self-directed learning through activities and assessments that emphasize written and oral communication.

Career & College Prep:

Career & College Prep level courses develop students’ essential skills and acquisition of content knowledge within the subject area. This level emphasizes the development of increased rigor through classroom interactions and progressing demands for independent work in preparation for college and career readiness.

Moving From One Level to Another From Year to Year:

If a student performs at a consistently high standard within a basic, Career & College Prep or honors level, the student should consider moving to a more demanding level in the succeeding school year. Students who find that a higher-level course is too challenging should consider dropping a level within that content area for the succeeding year.

Changes After the School Year Begins:

Students who wish to change a course and/or level within a content area must follow the guidelines provided by the Administration. Students may consider a level change (e.g. Honors to Accelerated Honors, Honors to Career & College Prep), after September 13.

  • Changes from one elective course to another will not be considered after the elective change deadline of March 22, 2024.
  • Once the school year begins, students may add electives if seats are available in the place of study halls, lunches, and otherwise unscheduled periods.
  • Once the school year begins, student schedules will not be adjusted to accommodate course change requests, including requests to add electives, except as described above.
  • Requests for particular periods and/or teachers will not be considered to ensure an equitable master schedule.

All level changes for full-year courses must be completed no later than three weeks after the end of the first semester. All level changes for semester courses must be completed no later than three weeks before the end of the first marking period.

Neutral Weighting for Elective Courses

Many courses that were formerly weighted at the Career & College Prep level are neutrally weighted. However, students may choose to include level weighting for these specific elective courses in the calculation of their grade point average (GPA). Neutrally weighted elective courses can be found in the following subject areas:

  • Career & College Prep level Art and Music courses
  • Career & College Prep level Family & Consumer Science, Video Production 1, and Technology Education courses
  • Career & College Prep level Business and Marketing courses
  • Career & College Prep level English and Social Studies elective courses
  • Career & College Prep level 1 and 2 World Language courses

For neutrally weighted courses to be weighted for a student’s GPA, students must complete a Request for Elective GPA Inclusion form that is available online and in each school counseling office. This form must be signed by the student and parent/guardian. Please note that credits and earned grades with neutrally weighted designation will appear on transcripts.


  • The term “Neutrally Weighted” will appear beneath the course title of all eligible courses.
  • Credits and grades earned in neutrally weighted courses will appear on transcripts.

Grading Scale:

Grade point averages (GPA) are computed as recommended by the National Association of Secondary School Principals. Students have the option to include elective courses at the Career and College Prep level into the GPA. Grades are weighted in honors, accelerated honors, and AP courses.
At the end of each school year, final grades shall be reported on the report card and student transcript on a 100 point scale. All courses, including summer school courses, are included in the GPA with the exception of neutrally weighted elective courses as designated in the course selection guide.

Grade Career & College Prep Honors AP & Accel. Honors
A+ = 97-100 4.3 4.73 5.16
A = 93-96 4.0 4.4 4.8
A- = 90-92  3.7 4.07 4.44
B+ = 87-89 3.3 3.63 3.96
B = 83-86 3.0 3.3 3.6
B- = 80-82 2.7 2.97 3.24
C+ = 77-79 2.3 2.53 2.76
C = 73-76 2.0 2.2 2.4
C- = 70-72 1.7 1.87 2.04
F = below 70 0 0 0

Course Withdrawal Policy

A student may withdraw from a class up to the following time period and receive NO grade:

  • Full year course: 2 weeks prior to the end of the second marking period
  • 1st semester course: 2 weeks prior to the end of the first marking period
  • 2nd semester course: 2 weeks prior to the end of the third marking period

Withdrawal from a course beyond the time specified above:

  • Student is failing: WF grade is recorded and included in the GPA
  • Student is passing: WP grade is recorded but not included in the GPA

Promotion Requirements (Minimum)

Grade 10: A student who has completed at least 5 credits in Grade 9.
Grade 11: A student who has completed at least 11 credits in Grades 9 and 10.
Grade 12: A student who has completed at least 17 credits in Grades 9, 10, and 11.

Counseling Telephone Numbers:

East: 484-266-3811
Henderson: 484-266-3408
Rustin: 484-266-4318