Graduation Requirements (Act 158)
As of the graduating class of 2023, Pennsylvania high school students have the opportunity to demonstrate their postsecondary preparedness and meet statewide requirements through one of five Pathways to Graduation.
For federal accountability purposes, students in Commonwealth public schools must participate in the Keystone Exams, which include end-of-course assessments in Algebra I, Literature, and Biology. While proficiency in all three Keystone Exams was initially intended to be a statewide graduation requirement starting in 2017, the legislature enacted delays to allow the Department of Education to develop alternative recommendations that better reflected college, career, and community readiness. These recommendations led to legislative changes in the Pennsylvania Public School Code and Title 22 Chapter 4.
Pathways to Graduation
Students who do not demonstrate proficiency or achieve a minimum composite score on the three Keystone Exams have the option to demonstrate their proficiency on the Keystone-related content by completing one of three alternative pathways: CTE Concentrator, Alternative Assessments, or Evidence-Based. Students with disabilities whose special education programs do not align with statewide graduation requirements can receive diplomas for the satisfactory completion of their respective programs.