Purchasing Overview
The Purchasing Department coordinates the District’s bids for instructional and athletic supplies and equipment. This includes advertising, public bid openings, tabulations, and preparation of information for approval by the School Board.
All procedures must be in compliance with PA School Code bidding laws and regulations. The District participates in a Joint Purchasing Consortium along with other Chester County districts and municipalities. This participation increases our purchasing power and decreases prices for paper, fuel oil, gasoline, audio visual equipment, as well as other supplies and services. Our District is also a member of a statewide purchasing consortium for computer equipment and other large equipment items.
All purchase orders must be approved before they can be processed.
Purchasing Agent:
Lynnette Scott
Purchasing Documents and Forms
Purchasing Bids
Pennsylvania State Law establishes dollar thresholds for bid and price quote requirements. Effective January 1, 2024, all purchases more than $12,600 but less than $23,200 require 3 quotes, and all purchases of $23,200 or more must be publicly bid. [Purchases under $12,600 do not require competitive bids or quotes.] The selected bid name/number/year should be noted on purchase orders.
The following joint purchase awarded bids are available to use for purchases:
Chester County Intermediate Unit Percent Discount Bids - Effective for the entire calendar year and should be the primary source of purchasing. The percent discount bids offer a list of multiple vendors that offer a percentage off catalog list pricing. The bids are separated into the following categories:
- Art Supplies and Equipment
- Athletic and Physical Education Supplies and Equipment
- Audio-Visual/Technology Supplies and Equipment
- Automotive Supplies
- Books: Buy and Sell (Textbooks, Library Books, Used Books)
- Carpentry and Painting Supplies
- Cosmetology Supplies and Equipment
- Electrical Supplies
- Family and Consumer Science and Culinary Arts Supplies and Equipment
- General Office and School Supplies
- Instructional Materials and Teacher Resources
- Janitorial and Maintenance Supplies and Equipment
- Library Supplies and Equipment
- Medical and Nursing Office Supplies and Equipment
- Musical Instruments and Sheet Music
- Plumbing Supplies
- Printing and Graphic Arts Supplies and Equipment
- Science Supplies, Equipment and Furniture
- Specialized and/or "Hard to Categorize" Supplies, Equipment and Rentals
All bid information can be accessed from the Chester County Intermediate Unit's website.
PEPPM – The PEPPM Bid includes many computer and technology equipment manufacturers at extremely competitive prices. Whenever purchasing computers, printers, or other computer related items, use the PEPPM Bid. The PEPPM Bid is available to view online at https://www.peppm.org/. All prices on the PEPPM website are current but subject to change. Purchases over $500 include free shipping.
State Contracts/COSTARS – State contracts are bids that were completed by the state and available for use by political subdivisions, such as school districts. These bids are done by state government and not PDE. These bids have competitive prices and should be used when items ordered are not covered by another existing bid. A full list of state contracts can found on the PA Department of General Services website at https://www.dgs.pa.gov/COSTARS/Pages/default.aspx
OMNIA PARTNERS – A nationally sponsored joint purchasing bid that allows any school district in the U.S. to participate. It is a large, national bid that includes such vendors as Tech Depot, Virco, and Ricoh. More information can be found at www.omniapartners.com
KPN (Keystone Purchasing Network) – A joint purchasing agreement administered through the Central Susquehanna Intermediate Unit with no membership fee. This agreement can be used to purchase furniture, carpeting, janitorial supplies and food service equipment at a discount. KPN also offers numerous Indefinite Quantity Construction contracts for Pennsylvania under their ezIQC program and, as of January 15, 2014 a national contract for grandstand and stadium seating awarded to GT Grandstands. More information can be found at www.thekpn.org.
TCPN (The Cooperative Purchasing Network) – This agreement is facilitated through Region 4 Education Service Center in Huston, TX with no membership fee. It can be used to purchase office supplies, furniture, music supplies or equipment and technology supplies. More information may be found at www.tcpn.org/pages/All-current-contracts.aspx.