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Summer Learning in 2024 for Grades 6-12

Secondary Summer School for 2024

Summer Learning allows students in middle and high school to preview content they will learn in the upcoming school year and review critical content that they did not show proficiency in the previous year. High school students can also earn original credit over the summer to provide greater flexibility in their schedules and to allow them the ability to change their course progressions. Our menu of learning options for students is summarized below and outlined in greater detail when clicked on.

Please note, these opportunities are only for students enrolled in the WCASD. 

1. Preview Learning Courses

These FREE online, asynchronous courses offered in ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies, and World Language, will review the prior year’s standards and skills while providing students with an introduction to the next course in the sequence. To learn more, visit Preview Learning Courses or go directly to the Preview Learning Google Site to access courses now.

2. Middle School Foundations

Students who failed a core content area course will attend in-person, direct instruction, given through the lens of building foundational skills for the next year’s course. Communication about Middle School Foundations courses will be done through the student’s Grade-Level Counselor.  

Middle School Foundations courses will run from June 24 - July 25 (M-T; no July 4th) from 8:30 - 11:30 a.m. at Fugett Middle School. To learn about courses offered and more, visit Middle School Foundations.  

Deadline to register for courses: Tuesday, June 18, 2024.

3. High School Credit Recovery

The WCASD has partnered with Accelerate Education to offer a robust, online credit recovery program. All courses will be taught by Accelerate Education teachers, who are fully certified in their content area through the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE). Throughout the self-paced courses, students will have access to their teachers via live office hours, email, and telephone. Parents and Guardians will receive weekly updates showing their student’s progress in the course. 

To be eligible for a summer credit recovery course, the student must have failed a core class with at least a 60% course average. Enrollment in summer school credit recovery courses will be facilitated through the student’s counselor at the end of the school year. If you have any questions about credit recovery, please contact your child’s counselor.

To learn about courses offered and more, visit High School Credit Recovery.

4. WCASD Acceleration Program

If you are interested in learning about our WCASD Acceleration Program, please see the presentation from the Acceleration Program Information Session held in April or the video embedded on the WCASD Acceleration Program page. Specific information on the courses offered can be found on slides 6-9 of the presentation.  


To learn about courses offered, watch the information session video, see FAQs, and learn how to register, visit WCASD Acceleration Program. Registration closes on Wednesday, May 29. 

Transportation for Summer School

The WCASD provides transportation services for students participating in Middle School Foundations and in-person credit recovery. For more information, please contact Michele Porco, Transportation Manager, at mporco with

Please note that pick up and drop off times are approximate. 

Pick Up Location

Pick Up Time


Drop Off Location

Drop Off Time


8:25 AM



11:30 AM


7:30 AM



12:30 PM


8:00 AM



12:00 AM


7:45 AM



12:15 AM


8:15 AM



11:45 AM