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Class Rank and Grading Scale

Class Rank and Grading Scale

Class Rank Policy and the Class Rank Administrative Guidelines Policy

Class Rank and Grading Scale

Class Rank and Grading Scale is computed as recommended by the National Association of Secondary School Principals. Students have the option to include or not include elective courses at the academic level into the GPA. Grades are weighted in honors, accelerated honors, and AP courses. * Class rank will not be recorded on a student’s transcript for the class of 2021 and beyond. Any institution may request in writing from the School Counseling Department the class rank of any student if class rank is required for admission to that school or needed for any scholarship program. Students may elect to waive the quality points from certain non-academic elective courses in the calculation of their grade point averages.

  Grade Career & College Prep Honors  AP & Accel. Honors
A+ = 97-100 4.3 4.73   5.16
A = 93-96 4.0 4.4   4.8
A- = 90-92 3.7 4.07   4.44
B+ = 87-89 3.3 3.63   3.96
= 83-86 3.0 3.3   3.6
B- = 80-82 2.7 2.97   3.24
C+ = 77-79 2.3 2.53   2.76
C = 73-76 2.0 2.2   2.4
C- = 70-72 1.7 1.87   2.04
= 60-69  (Non-passing; eligible for summer school)
= below 60  (Not eligible for summer school)

Grade Point Average

At the end of each school year, final grades shall be reported on the report card and student transcript on a 100 point scale. Grade point average (GPA) for each student is computed using a 4.0 weighted scale. The sum of the point values is divided by the credit total attempted to yield the GPA. 

Quality points for Honors level courses are valued according to a 1.1 multiplier of Career and College Prep. Accelerated Honors and Advanced Placement courses are valued according to a 1.2 multiplier of Career and College Prep.  All courses are included in the GPA with the exception of neutrally weighted elective courses as designated in the course selection guide.