Mandatory Employee Training

  • The deadline date for completion will be December 15, 2023. Your access in Vector Solutions to these trainings will expire on December 16, 2023.

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    As a condition of employment, all staff of a Pennsylvania public school district is required to complete Act 126 and district training at scheduled intervals throughout their employment.  The time period for WCASD employees to complete these trainings has once again arrived. The good news is that we have moved to Vector Solutions for our online training. Vector Solutions is internet-based and very user-friendly. It will easily identify for all staff what training is required. It will indicate and mark your complete and incomplete modules. We have worked to streamline the training and cut down on the time it will take to complete

    Mandatory for All:

    Trauma Sensitive Practices Training
    PA Act 71- Youth Suicide; Awareness, Prevention, and Postvention
    WCASD Discipline and Records Handbook
    West Chester Area School District Employee Handbook, 2023-2034 Edition  

    Additional Training Mandatory for Newly Hired Employees:

    PA Act 126 - Part 1: Child Abuse and Mandatory Reporting
    PA Act 126 – Part 2: Educator Discipline Act, Sexual Misconduct and Maintaining Professional Boundaries
    Medication Administration: Epinephrine Auto-Injectors

    Should you have any questions or require assistance throughout this process, we ask you to contact:

    The HR department is committed to supporting everyone throughout this important undertaking, so please do not hesitate to reach out at any time for guidance.