Senior Gold Card

  • Let Us Entertain You!
    Senior Citizens receive free admission to events with an
    Elinor Z. Taylor Senior Gold Card

    Gold Cards are available to residents of the West Chester Area School District (WCASD) aged 60 and above. This card enables its holder to be admitted free of charge to WCASD events, which include sporting contests, drama productions, and concerts.

    To receive a Senior Gold Card, complete the electronic form below, or click here to print out a paper copy and mail it to the WCASD Communications Office: 782 Springdale Drive, Exton, PA 19341. Please allow two weeks for processing. If you would like to pick up your Gold Card from the Spellman Administration Building, or if you have any questions about the Gold Card, please contact the WCASD Communications Office: 484-266-1200.