- Technology Standards - Preparing Our Students for the Future
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Technology Standards
When carefully designed and thoughtfully applied, technology can accelerate, amplify, and expand the impact of effective teaching practices. However, to be transformative, educators need to have the knowledge and skills to take full advantage of technology-rich learning environments. In addition, the roles of PK–12 classroom teachers and postsecondary instructors, librarians, families, and learners all will need to shift as technology enables new types of learning experiences.
2017 National Education Technology Plan UpdateThe West Chester Area School District's use of instructional technology is informed by the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) standards. We support the implementation of these standards across the curriculum through a variety of means including Professional Learning Communities (PLCs), summer workshops, job-embedded instructional coaching, in-service workshops during the school year, on-demand District-produced videos, District-sponsored Edcamps, online learning, and conference opportunities to name a few. Learn more about these standards by visiting the following sites:
For Students: http://www.iste.org/standards/for-students#startstandards
For Educators: http://www.iste.org/standards/for-educators
For Administrators: http://www.iste.org/standards/for-administrators
Beginning in 2017, West Chester adopted the use of BrightBytes' Clarity instrument to measure our progress annually, as we seek to create and maintain the essential conditions for successful implementation of ISTE standards and exemplary practice across the CASE Framework. CASE, a trademark of BrightBytes, is an acronym and it stands for Classroom (use of tech for learning), Access (to tech), Skills (in tech), and Environment (systemic processes, practices, support to promote effective use of tech). Clarity is a research-based, comprehensive survey of students and staff and is supported by a data dashboard, comprehensive goal setting tools, and resources including case studies and professional development strategies. Learn more at http://www.brightbytes.net/techlearning/.
In West Chester, we strive to be the schools of choice for all students in the communities we serve. To assure that our students have the relevant and engaging learning experiences to be ready for the future, the following report documents inform our planning and assessment of our progress: