- Human Resources
- PowerSchool Records
Human Resources
Page Navigation
Human Resources
- Childline Reporting Information for Employees
- Employee Access Center
- Employee Assistance Program
- Employee Badges
- Employment Verification
- Instructional Assistants Professional Development
- PowerSchool Records
- Preparation Level Change
- Required Clearances (Must be updated every 5 years)
- Sick Leave Bank
- Staff Absence Reporting and Substitute Procedures (AESOP)
- Staff Transfer Requests
- Steps to Retirement
- Substitute Custodians
- Substitute Teachers and Support Staff in the WCASD
- Teacher Certification
- Tuition Reimbursement
- Vector Solutions Training Videos
- Title IX Policy & Procedures
- Employment
- Benefits
PowerSchool Records
The WCASD Human Resources Department is very excited to announce that we have added PowerSchool Records as our personnel management system. PowerSchool Records is essentially an online form completion and filing system that streamlines processes, increases personal access, reduces hardcopy management, and provides for better record keeping. Items such as Change of Name forms, Change of Address forms, and even W-4s can be completed online. This list will expand as employees’ comfort with the new system grows. Any forms presently in paper form will not be converted, but rather, employees’ files will become electronic as new forms are needed. It’s a fairly intuitive program, but we’ll also work to create some tutorials.
How to log in:
- Go to https://wcasd.tedk12.com/Records
- Log in with your One Login username and password (if prompted, use your long email address @wcasd.k12.pa.us)
- If successful, your home screen should look like this: (with your initials at the arrow, not mine)
- Alternatively, if you are already logged into certain PowerSchool product like eFinancePlus or Performance Matters, just click on the 3x3 box icon in the top right, and use the drop down menu to click on “Records.” It looks like this:
General Directions for Available Features:
- If you have an outstanding ( = due) task from the HR or Payroll offices, you will find it in “My Tasks” in the left-hand margin. You will also receive an email notification.
- See the purple arrow below.
- If you need to complete a form available on PowerSchool Records, go to “Available Forms” in the left-hand margin.
- The following are the forms presently available in PowerSchool Records:
- Change of Address
- Change of Name
- FMLA – 380E Employee’s Serious Health Condition
- FMLA – 380F Family Member’s Serious Health Condition
- FMLA – Return to Work
- Local Earned Income Tax
- Summer Reserve Paycheck
- W-4
- See the yellow arrow below.
- If you want look at files that are accessible to you, then go to “Files” in the left-hand margin. Specifically, you will be able to see items related to your Payroll Office activities such as your W-4, so you can view the number of deductions, or confirm submission of your Summer Reserve Paycheck Program.
- See the orange arrow below.
As always, please feel free to reach out to the Human Resources office if you have any questions.