WCASD Facilities & Operations Athletic Field Care

  • Policies and Field Rules

    • All coaches must carry their corresponding “Field Use Permit” and use only the field that has been assigned to your group. All fields are numbered so make sure that they match.
    • Follow the posted field use signs.
    • Obey the “Flag System”

    RED—the field is closed
    YELLOW –only the outfield is open
    GREEN –the field is open
    When the fields have received rain overnight and there is GREEN flag flying and you are the first group to arrive in the morning. Walk the entire area including the player bench area. Use good judgment as to the playability; this is for your safety and the fields’ protection. A good rule of thumb is; the fields are considered too wet if your socks get wet

    • Trash—this is everyone’s responsibility. Please bring trash bags with you to pick after the event or place is receptacles located on campus. Trash should not be left on the fields. 
    • DO NOT drive out to the fields.
    • Ownership, take responsibility for the actions of your organization, players, coaches, parents, spectators and opposing teams.

    Natural Turf Fields and Areas- Soccer, Lacrosse, Rugby, Football, Etc

    • Move around the field during drills and practices; use the field within the field rule.
    • Conduct drills and warm-ups on the sideline area or off of the center of the field to preserve the integrity of the field.
    • DO NOT use the painted lines as areas for warm-ups as this causes undue stress in this area as well as increasing the need to paint these areas.
    • Conduct your goalie drills/shooting drills out of the goal mouth area to reduce stress. Turn the goal around or move to a sideline.
    • NO cleats are to be used on the turf during drought stress times; sneakers are less damaging to the dormant turf.

    Players’ bench and dugouts

    • Keep these areas free of trash and debris.
    • Ask the coaches and players to properly dispose of trash.
    • The dugouts are to be swept out after each event.


    • Keep individuals off of the fencing.
    • DO NOT hang ball bags or bats on the fence.
    • DO NOT use the fence as a batting/shooting back stop, for soft toss or for soccer/lacrosse drills. Report any damage of the fence to the custodian or to the numbers at the end of the page.

    Baseball/Softball Fields

    Tools and materials

    • Are there for everyone to use, please return them to the tool rack or job box. If any tools are missing please report to the numbers at the end of the page.
    • Tools that are included-spring rake used to work wet material, field rake used to fill in holes and level surrounding area, water can used to water/moisten the mound, plate area and holes before moving displaced material back, base clean-out tool used to remove material from base sleeve, batter’s box jig, quick dry material used to dry damp areas this will not work on puddles and 2 sponges to remove excess water puddles.

    Players’ bench and dugouts

    • Keep these areas free of trash and debris.
    • Ask the coaches and players to properly dispose of trash.
    • The dugouts are to be swept out after each event.

    Raking of infield materials

    • Rake any/all holes after each use.
    • Rake around the bases to avoid holes and puddles.
    • Rake the base paths long ways from home to base. DO NOT rake side to side as this pushes material into the turf and creates gulleys.
    • Sweep off the bases and leave in place.
    • Broom any material that has gotten into the turf back onto the infield.
    • Dampen areas that need refilled to allow bonding of material.

    Pitcher’s Mound

    • Moisten any holes and rake the material from the edge to the center of the mound to replenish the kicked-out material
    • Tamp/stomp loose areas to tighten/bond the material.
    • Cover the mound with the tarp.

    Home Plate Area

    • Moisten any holes and rake material back.
    • Tamp/stomp loose areas to tighten/bond the material.
    • Sweep off home plate.
    • Cover the plate with the tarp.

    Puddles and standing water

    • DO NOT dig trenches to channel the water off of the infield to the turf areas.
    • DO NOT sweep the water onto the turf areas.
    • DO dig a small hole in the puddle to enable the use of a cup, bowl or bottle to capture the water.
    • Use the supplied pillows to absorb small puddles. Take and wring the pillow into a bucket or wring it out off of the field.
    • Once the puddles has been removed rake the area with the spring rake and apply a small amount of quick dry material until it is consistent with the surrounding area, DO NOT use the large field rakes as it displaces a large amount of material.
    • DO NOT use wood shavings, saw dust, shredded paper to dry the field.
    • DO NOT use more than 2 bags of quick dry per field per day. If more than this is needed the event needs to cancelled or postponed.


    • Keep individuals off of the fencing.
    • DO NOT hang ball bags or bats on the fence.
    • DO NOT use the fence as a batting/ back stop, for soft toss. We have batting cages located at all of the high schools and middle schools as well as Owens, Lambert Park and Price Farms which has 2.
    • Report any damage of the fence to the custodian or to the numbers at the end of the page.


    • Keep them moving around during drills or practices.
    • When performing outfield work alternate between sides to alleviate wear and damage.

    If at any time during the season you feel the need to discuss anything dealing with the fields (include field number and date of event) please do not hesitate to contact;

    Joe McGuire at 484-266-1268 or by email at jmcguire@wcasd.net.

    We want to thank you for your participation and cooperation in this joint effort in the maintenance of the fields.