Stetson 6th Grade Frequently Asked Questions
Q. How will I know where to go on the first day of school?
A. You will receive a summer mailing prior to the start of school indicating your homeroom teacher and homeroom number. All students report to the cafeteria if arriving before 7:50 a.m.
Q. When will I get my schedule?
A. You will receive your schedule on the first day of school in homeroom.
Q. How will I know what classes to go to and where they are located?
A. Your schedule includes the names of your teachers, classroom numbers, period, and day in the cycle. Assistance is available to students.
Q. When will I be assigned a locker? How will I know its location and how to open it?
A. Lockers and combinations are assigned on the first day of school in homeroom. Teachers, guidance counselors, and assistant principals will be in the hallways to assist you.
Q. When am I allowed to go to my locker?
A. 6th grade students locker before homeroom, and after 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 5th periods. If there are other times you need to visit your locker, you may do so only with permission and a pass from your teacher.
Q. How will I know the school rules and consequences for breaking those rules?
A. Every student receives a copy of the West Chester Area School District Discipline and Records Policies on their student laptop. Please review this document.
Q. How will I know what bus to get on in the afternoon and where it is located?
A. Bus numbers are posted in the bus windows. White boards are outside by the flagpole and mosaic for the order of the buses at dismissal. Teachers and administrators are on duty every day to assist you.
Q. What activities are available for 6th grade students?
A. A variety of intramural sports (listed in the student handbook) are available for 6th graders. The program is open to all students. There are also a variety of co-curricular activities.
Q. How do I know what events are going on at school?
A. School events are announced on the daily live Stetson News broadcast. The calendar is also posted on the electronic bulletin board and the Stetson website.
Q. Is there a uniform for PE class? Where can one be purchased?
A. You are required to wear green or athletic shorts, a grey t-shirt with the Stetson logo, white socks, and sneakers. T-shirts can be purchased online from Tuttle Marketing.
Q. How much homework will I be assigned?
A. The WCASD homework policy will be reviewed the first week of school and during Open House.
Q. Who can I talk to if I have a concern?
A. Issues/concerns about grades, class or discipline matters should be addressed in the following order: your teacher, guidance counselor, grade level administrator.
Q. Who can I talk to if I have a problem with another student?
A. Your school counselor or your grade level administrator will be more than happy to help you.
Q. How does Stetson ensure a safe school environment?
A. We ensure a safe school by treating each of you as members of the Stetson family. Firm, fair, and consistent discipline, coupled with supportive staff that you can turn to for help are the keys to safety.