Elementary School Expectations

  • Calendar, Grading, & Accountability

    How long will we be out of school?

    It is difficult to say, but as of now, the earliest we will return is April 13th.

    Will there be printed packets every week?

    We will not be providing supplementary packets the way we did the first week of our closure. Teachers will try to minimize printed materials, but there are times that you may be asked to print some materials. Please let your child’s classroom teacher know if you do not have access to a printer at home.

    Will there be any Face to Face Instruction?

    Teachers will be creating videos for instruction to send out to students. During this extraordinary time, we can’t expect students or parents to always be available during school hours since parents may be working from home, caring for other children, and students may be helping to care for siblings. Recorded instruction that students can access at any time provides flexibility. There may be some live Zoom calls for a class to have brief class meetings, hear a story, etc.

    Will student attendance matter?

    Beginning March 30th, attendance will be taken in several ways. Teachers will count students present as work is posted in Seesaw and/or Schoology, or, they can confirm attendance via email from a parent/caregiver.

    Will student assignments be graded?

    We are not assigning grades at the elementary level during remote learning. We are encouraging teachers to provide feedback when possible. 



    How do I communicate with my child’s teacher, guidance counselor, or principal?

    You may reach out directly through email. Our faculty is checking email routinely and will respond within 24 hours, if not sooner. Teachers will also be establishing “office hours,” during which students can speak with them via Schoology or conference call.


    Events & Other Items

    What if I am having an issue with my laptop?

    You can call our help desk at  484-266-1050 between 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM or email helpdesk@wcasd.net or one2one@wcasd.net.

    What about the PSSA tests?

    The PSSA tests have been canceled for this year.

    When will be the last day of school for students?

    We expect the last student day to be Friday, June 5th.